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Anne Rainey

“Rainey is an erotic storytelling virtuoso!” — Romantic Times Magazine

Anne Rainey creates steamy romance stories with just the right amount of heat. Her books frequent best seller and top pick review lists. Anne is an accomplished author of over thirty titles. Her books can be found in Target stores and other popular online retailers. Canada’s largest newspaper, The Toronto Star, recommends Anne’s books as an alternative read to Fifty Shades of Grey. Anne actively markets her work and sells an average of 133,000+ print and digital copies per year.

Anne grew up in a small town in central Ohio the only girl with three rowdy, older brothers. When she wasn’t playing tackle football with them she could be found tucked away in her mother’s book room getting lost in mysterious worlds created by authors such as Martha Grimes and Andrew M. Greeley. She’s had a variety of odd jobs including Chiropractic Assistant, Frame Stylist, Restaurant Hostess, and Nail Technician. Anne now lives with her fabulous husband, two gorgeous teenage daughters, two ornery dogs and three snooty cats.

“Love is magic in its rawest form.”
Anne Rainey
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“I’ve never quite mastered the art of holding my liquor,” she replied. He watched her root around in her purse a moment, before pulling out a tube of lip balm.As Jonas watched her apply it, he nearly got distracted from her answer. Leaning forward, Jonas murmured, “Can’t hold your liquor, huh?”She replaced the cap and dropped it back into her purse. “Not so much. I tend to get a bit too happy.”His eyebrows shot up and his cock came to full-alert status. Happy--he liked the sound of that. “And that’s a bad thing?”To his utter shock, Deanna blushed. “In my case it is.”Curiosity got the better of him. “Care to explain?”The waiter returned with the check, forcing Jonas to drop the conversation while he fished out his credit card. Once they were alone again, Jonas waited, hoping Deanna would go into more detail. She didn’t disappoint him. “All my inhibitions disappear. It’s not a comfortable feeling for me.”She was killing him. An immediate picture of a carefree Deanna sprang to mind. He liked it a hell of a lot. “Most people enjoy letting it all hang out every once in a while. Taking life too seriously leads to an early grave.” “Maybe, but if I suddenly develop the urge, I’d rather be coherent.”“You don’t like to give up control,” he surmised.She cocked her head to the side, as if unsure how to respond at first. “It’s not that,” she said. “I guess if I’m in the mood to go romping naked through a forest, for example, then I don’t want alcohol to blur the memorable event for me.” She laughed. “I mean, I’d want to remember a crazy moment like that. Wouldn’t you?”No doubt about it, Jonas liked the way the lady’s mind worked. “You had me at ‘running naked’.” Deanna snorted. “You need serious help.”
Anne Rainey
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“Wade sighed. “I’ll never understand why women wear bras to start with. They look uncomfortable as hell.” “They’re not that bad.”“Turn around so I can fasten the damn thing for you.”She refused to let go. Suddenly it seemed important to do this one small task alone. “I can do it, Wade. I need to get used to doing things with this cast.”He crossed his arms over his chest as he watched her struggle. “Is it so hard to ask for help from me, Gracie?”She tried the two small hooks once more, but failed to get them both attached. “No, it’s just that I’m not used to people offering, I guess.”He moved around her and helped fasten the contrary hook. When she turned to tell him thanks, he placed his finger over her lips and murmured, “If you thank me, I’ll spank you. Knowing I haven’t been able to catch your stalker, that he broke into your home and trashed your things and I wasn’t able to stop him makes me feel as fucking useless as tits on a bull. The least I can do is fasten your bra.”
Anne Rainey
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“She brought her elbowbackward and connected with Rand’s ribs. He swore and released her.She whirled on him. “That’s for being so arrogant!”Rand advanced on her, and the grin on his face wasn’t at all reassuring. She took one stepback, then turned to sprint into the bathroom, when a pair of hands caught her and slung her overa hard muscled shoulder.“Put me down right now!” She screamed as she pummeled his back. “You are the mostannoying, selfish, barbaric, horny man I know, Rand Miller!”He set her back on her feet inside the bathroom, then cupped her chin in his palm. “Youare the most gorgeous, intelligent, feisty woman I know, Lucy Flemming.”Lucy narrowed her eyes. What was he up to now? “Flattery won’t help you out of thisone.”“It’s not flattery. It’s the truth,” he murmured as he leaned close to her ear. “And, baby?”“Yes?” she answered, her voice nearly inaudible as his nearness began to override heranger.“I’d better be the only horny man you know.”
Anne Rainey
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“Did you really think you could quit?" He moved closer, his steps slow, purposeful. "Just fax me a damned piece of paper and I‘d be forced to let you walk away from me?""You don‘t have a choice." Lydia swallowed the lump in her throat and moved around the chair. Putting furniture between them seemed like a smart idea. "I quit, end of story.""The hell it is," he growled as he stopped and crossed his arms over his chest. "I‘ve given you space, Lydia, but it‘s time we talk.""There‘s nothing to say."He pointedly glanced at the chair and quirked a brow. "Afraid, little Lydia?"Afraid of her own ability to keep her hands off him, yeah. "You don‘t scare me, Dane. You‘d never hurt me.""Then quit acting so skittish and come here.”
Anne Rainey
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“She reached for the milk and honey soap, then poured it into the puff, but when she started washing him with it, he chuckled.“Uh, sweetheart?”“Hmm?” Candice mumbled as she stared at some interesting spot on his arm.“Real men don’t use puffs,” he said, amused and turned on by having Candice’s undivided attention.She finally managed to drag her gaze away from his forearm and stared at him as if he’d lost his mind. “You can’t be serious?” When he only shrugged, she rolled her eyes. “What does it matter what I use, so long as you’re clean?”“It matters, believe me.” Blade knew he sounded absurd but he couldn’t help it. It was bad enough he’d let her put bandages on a few measly cuts; if word got out he’d let her use a peach-colored puff and milk-and-honey bath soap he’d never hear the end of it.A man had to put his foot down somewhere.”
Anne Rainey
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“Suddenly, Cain flipped her over and caged her in, his muscled strength creating a protective embrace. “My diamond,” he growled. “You are home.” She lifted her hand and cupped his cheek, then murmured, “Yes. I am.” “I was dead without you. I would have ended up a shell like Rafael.” She kissed him, hating the pain in his voice. “No, never like him. He was evil, Cain, his soul black. Yours isn’t. Just a little gray.” He smirked. “Gray?” She shrugged. “Well you aren’t lily white, that’s for certain.”
Anne Rainey
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“Actually, yeah, I did buy a few new things,” she confirmed, then she teased a little more by adding, “I think Pete is going to really enjoy my outfit tomorrow night.”“Pete seems to like you no matter what you’re wearing,” Luke grumbled. “So, what did you buy for good ol’ Pete?”Darn, if he didn’t sound jealous! Could it be possible? It’d mean she meant something to him. Something more than Dr. Doolittle anyway. “I bought a mini skirt.” She wouldn’t tell him about the hair and the shoes. Or what she bought to wear under the skirt.She heard him cough. Hard. As if having a spasm. “Luke? Are you okay?”A couple more very tense seconds of coughs, and then, “Did you say a skirt?”She wanted to smack him.”
Anne Rainey
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“If you’d rather skip lunch, that’s fine with me. I’ve got some things to take care of anyway before I can leave the store to Robin for the weekend.”“I don’t want to skip lunch,” he bit out. “I’m starving.”Her temper got the better of her. “Fine, but if you plan on snapping at me the whole time then I’d just as soon you eat alone.”His gaze darkened. “I’m not snapping.”She poked him in the chest. “Yes, you are.”Leo started to speak, then paused and let out a huge breath. “Sorry. Damn, I’m just having one of those days.”Amanda smiled and patted his cheek. “You can tell me all about it over a bowl of fettuccine.”
Anne Rainey
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“Heather leaned toward me and placed a soothing hand on my knee. “It’ll be fine, sweetie. You’ll see.”“I’ve never done anything like this. What if I can’t go through with it? I’ll feel like such a dolt.”“I won’t let that happen. Once I get you warmed up, you’ll forget all these silly insecurities. And I’d bet my favorite dildo that the instant you see Blake in the buff, you’ll be damn glad you followed through on this little plan.”
Anne Rainey
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“Careful old-timer, your age is showing.”“Hey, I’m only thirty-two. I’m in my prime, woman!”She harrumphed. “Well, I’m a mere twenty-five and you’re way too old for me.”Jay’s eyes smoldered as he whispered, “My experience is your gain.”
Anne Rainey
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