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Annette Blair

Annette Blair's romantic comedies owe their beginnings to a root canal and a reluctant trip to Salem Massachusetts. Though she had once proclaimed she'd never write a contemporary, she stumbled into the serendipitous role of Accidental Witch Writer on that trip. Funny how she managed to eat her words even with an aching jaw. Magic or destiny; Annette's Bewitching Romantic Comedies became her first National Bestsellers.

Her August '07 release, SEX AND THE PSYCHIC WITCH, the first in her Triplet Witch Trilogy, hit the #1 bestselling spot for contemporary romance-humorous on Barnes & Noble. It also hit B & N's overall bestseller lists for mass market and fiction mass market and #7 for romance mass market, topping Nielsen BookScan and Borders Bestseller lists as well.

“It was scary to need another person as much as you needed your next breath. It implied a need for unlimited faith and trust. You had to believe your love would be there for you always.”
Annette Blair
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“Being nice to that woman is like feeding a baby shark so it can grow big enough to eat you.”
Annette Blair
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