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Annie Brewer

Annie Brewer leads several lives. At home she's a caring mother of two with a heart of gold. Online, she's a best friend to several and puts a smile on her many fans every time she utters a word. In her own world, she's a dreamer. But the biggest part of her is made of books, books, and more books. It's not a surprise she's turned out to be such a talented young author. Some of her many hobbies include reading, drooling over Ian Somerhalder, Channing Tatum,and Christian Grey (etc.), reading, reviewing, reading, watching Vampire Diaries, reading, and last but not least WRITING like a maniac. She currently resides in Texas, where she dies of heat-strokes every few seconds, with her many books and book-boyfriends, and her two adorable little girls.

“The more time I spend with you, the more my mind is cluttered. I'm not used to doing nice things for anyone but all I want to do is make you happy.”
Annie Brewer
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“Carter, it’s not about sex. It’s about showing our love for one another. It’s about expressing our feelings for each other without words. It’s about two people who share a connection so strong, so deep that no one could take it away.”
Annie Brewer
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“I wanna know Maddy Walker. The real one. The one who stole my heart.”
Annie Brewer
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“He lifts my head up as he gets off the bed and kneels down until we are eye level.I love you Abby. I’ll wait as long as it takes for you to come back to me.”
Annie Brewer
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“I look up momentarily stunned, then angry. What the Hell is that dirtbag doing here?”
Annie Brewer
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“Yeah, it's a kodak moment. Quick, take a picture.Sarah scoffs. I stick my tongue out at her.”
Annie Brewer
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“She rubs my back and sighs."Jesus Abby, I'm so sorry. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're still hung up on him. Big time.”
Annie Brewer
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“I love you so much it hurts.”
Annie Brewer
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“So how was it? Did it hurt? Was he gentle? How many times did y’all do it?”
Annie Brewer
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“Abby, you can't deny your feelings any longer. At least I know I can't. I've done it long enough. I want you. Please don't push me away.”
Annie Brewer
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“But Gracie, someday is here. Now. I’m not proposing to you or anything. I just want you to know, I've found the one for me…in you.”
Annie Brewer
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“I love you, you know that? You're so selfless.Don't paint me a saint, Gracie. I have alot of making up to do for the shit I've caused but I'm trying.”
Annie Brewer
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“Do not be afraid. Look fear in the face and say, "fuck you" and move on.”
Annie Brewer
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“Gracie. I don’t want this to be about sex. Us. You’re so much more to me than that. I just want you to know. So if you don’t want to do this, please tell me. I’m perfectly content to just hold you in my arms all night.”
Annie Brewer
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“Umm, well do I have to tell you how it’s done?” I tease, as I get on my knees and lean over him, . A wide smile spreads over his face as I straddle his lap.“Oh, are you taking dominance? I think I like that.” He grips his hands on my hips, pulling me as close as he can get.”
Annie Brewer
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“Well, then-“ Before I can finish his lips are on mine fervently and I return his kiss as our mouths move together in a slow rhythm. I wrap my arms around his neck tightly. He grasps my face between both of his warm hands, then pulls back to look at me.You don’t know how happy you just made me, Gracie. I love you. I fucking love you!Yes I do because it’s the same feeling you give me. I love you so much Carter and I want to move in with you and see you every day and wake up next to you every morning.”
Annie Brewer
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