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Annie Murphy Paul

“Individuals who frequently read fiction seem to be better able to understand other people, empathize with them and see the world from their perspective.”
Annie Murphy Paul
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“For many centuries people have believed that there is continuity between the individual in utero and the individual in the world; now there is solid evidence that this ancient belief is correct, albeit in a far more complex and nuanced way than our ancestors ever imagined. But science can't tell us everything we need to know about this new perspective; there's always a gap where the hard evidence of the laboratory meets the soft flesh of our bodies.”
Annie Murphy Paul
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“We often respond to today's world with yesterday's adaptations. (quoting Dan Fesster)”
Annie Murphy Paul
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“In any case, psychological type has built a private world around itself, an intimate universe that has no need for external validation . . . For those within its charmed circle, type provides an unwavering self-conception, a foundation for relating to others, a plan for success, and an excuse for failure. It offers an explanation for why some people refuse to join in . . . Still at the center of this world is the haloed figure of Myers herself, whom her many followers affectionately call "Isabel." It sometimes seems that her fierce ardor for the test she created has been passed on to these followers like a torch. They, like her, appear to value type more than the people type is supposed to describe.”
Annie Murphy Paul
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“The world has its way with us long before we're born.”
Annie Murphy Paul
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