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Anthony Antek

ABOUT: AUTHOR - Anthony Antek

Anthony Antek, author of the non-fictional work of literature, Bipolar Buffalo –A Mosaic of Minds Journey, has three degrees (below zero) from the U. of Buffalo (B.A.), U. of Denver (M.A.) and doctoral studies at Tulane U., N. Michigan U. and S.U.N.Y. Albany. He has had as versatile career in education in New York, Colorado, Michigan and Vermont as a college teacher of the social sciences, college administrator, school superintendent, elementary principal, and as a primary/secondary teacher of math and history.

Antek was born and raised in Lackawanna, N.Y. His first work was migrant crop picking and janitorial work. He and his wife, Lynn, have been married for forty-three years and now live in Lakeview, N.Y. They have three daughters and three grandsons.

“ I write for the beauty of the printed word"from PREFACE to BIPOLAR BUFFALO”
Anthony Antek
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