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Anthony Liccione

Enjoys writing poetry and quotes, and serving in the Army National Guard Reserve.

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“Strange, how the name Israel, God's own chosen nation, who don't believe Jesus to be the Messiah, sounds almost the same as saying "is He real?”
Anthony Liccione
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“I dreamed of dying, long before my dreams have died.”
Anthony Liccione
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“Worse than talking with a mouthful, is gossiping with a mouthful!”
Anthony Liccione
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“If you devote yourself to God, then He in turn will continually stay with you, as an eternal candle flame stays with a wick, feeding off the overflow of wax; yet reshaping into something better.”
Anthony Liccione
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“Expect while reaching for the stars, people to whirl by with their dark clouds and storm upon you.”
Anthony Liccione
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“My brain as the engine, with thoughts trailing to the caboose, on a one-track mind we keep going forward.”
Anthony Liccione
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“Why after the dust settles, someone has to come by and blow at it, stirring it up into the air again?”
Anthony Liccione
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“It's a shame, when I'm at the checkout line, and the cashier holds up my bill to the light, in search for a ghost president, or slashing a yellow marker to see if counterfeit. Even in money we can't be trusted. Makes we wonder whats next, will the government make a marker to slash our hand, or an x-ray we will have to walk through, to check if we have a dishonest heart or corrupt spirit?”
Anthony Liccione
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“It seems it doesn't pay to be good anymore, when people are short-changing you for evil.”
Anthony Liccione
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“Paranoia is at most annoying!”
Anthony Liccione
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“Don't look at the present storm, but look to the Son coming.”
Anthony Liccione
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“Why when people are on their deathbed, they finally come to terms with life?”
Anthony Liccione
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“When I awake thinking of dreams I slept on, I often wonder, if the dreams ever wake up thinking of me?”
Anthony Liccione
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“People like to cry over spilled milk, but I cry every time I spill my coffee.”
Anthony Liccione
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“Love, is sometimes a simpler form of slowly dying, it's like a bullet that ricochets off time's walls of desire, waiting to hit that picture perfect heart of regrets.”
Anthony Liccione
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“The thing I miss most from home, is having a home.”
Anthony Liccione
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“Why is it people will complain, when they have an open door, where they can walk out to and gaze the stars; rather than having a closed door to lock them in?”
Anthony Liccione
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“You know you love something if you're willing to die for it, and you know it means nothing if you walk away from that which is dying.”
Anthony Liccione
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“When you walk with trash, you end up smelling the same.”
Anthony Liccione
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“The beauty in the outer world can only be seen, when one stops focusing on the negativity in their inner world.”
Anthony Liccione
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“Many are hurting for love, while many are suffering from a love that hurts.”
Anthony Liccione
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“They say to think within the box, but it's funny how those in the box never go anywhere, where those outside it, get to see the world.”
Anthony Liccione
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“The dead has always been within us, its just the graveyard where we lay to rest.”
Anthony Liccione
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“Why is it, every time I go the mile, another mile comes up?”
Anthony Liccione
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“Unconditional love, is love, regardless anything; attainable or impossible.”
Anthony Liccione
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“A fool is made more of a fool, when their mouth is more open than their mind.”
Anthony Liccione
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“Life turns, and returns death. Where death digs its claws into the grave only to pull out life, as a baby from a womb; and the recycle of air, the recycle of struggles that never achieve satisfaction, in a constant turning world, of an untuned universe.”
Anthony Liccione
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“People have their purposes and reasons, I just wish I found mine.”
Anthony Liccione
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“You may not be able to change the world for the better, but the world is able to change you for the worst, don't give them the rock you stand on.”
Anthony Liccione
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“A good teacher is one, that never stops listening; a good listener is one, that never stops teaching.”
Anthony Liccione
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“The lonely people have taught me, that I am not alone.”
Anthony Liccione
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“I noticed, rich people never toss away their pennies in their driveways, middle-class always chuck them there, and stray dogs lick up what little pennies they find on poverty ground.”
Anthony Liccione
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“They say blood is thicker than water, but I say ice, can be more solid than blood, when times get cold.”
Anthony Liccione
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“We anticipate Time, and welcome it when birth comes in the door, then we hate Time and curse it, when death exits the door.”
Anthony Liccione
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“If ever I create a website, I'll call it Two-Face Book, and I'll invite everyone to it, it will be a game board, of a whitewash chalkboard.A social network, with reserved intentions, where we can fall into our cliques and circle of friends. We can dis who we want and accept who appeals to our discretion. Where the users will keep abusing, and abusers keep using, where the computer bullies will keep swinging and the J-birds that fly by will die; where the lonely will keep seeking and the needy still go desperate, where the envious will keep hating, and the lustful will keep flashing. Where those that think ignoring, will keep one down and the wannabes will foolishly think themselves greater by the number of "likes" that pours caffeine into their coffee. We can jump on the bandwagon of likes, or reserve not to show we care. Where the scorners, scammers and stalkers lay wait to take hold of the innocent and fragile, and my pockets will get fatter as more and more will join up, where being fake is accepted. As a mirror that stares at a different face. It will be my two-face epilogue, in a 3-world dimension, of a twofold war. I will build an empire of contagious hooks, and still we will live, happily-ever disastrous.”
Anthony Liccione
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“The happier person is one, that acknowledges and accepts life won't get any better than this.”
Anthony Liccione
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“When you put fear behind the wheel, you're bound to crash, but when you drive in faith the ride will be rough, but preceding into a journey of your lifetime.”
Anthony Liccione
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“A writer is nothing without a reader; a reader is nothing without a writer.”
Anthony Liccione
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“The brain has only three functions: open, closed, or deprived.”
Anthony Liccione
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“It's not how many friends you can count, it's how many of those you can count on.”
Anthony Liccione
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“God will find a way, no matter what people will say.”
Anthony Liccione
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“Words do murder.”
Anthony Liccione
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“No writer is a quiet reader, for their reading will speak of their writing.”
Anthony Liccione
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“There are those laughing their way to hell; and those, crying themselves to heaven.”
Anthony Liccione
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“You can see Heaven, if you just close your eyes.”
Anthony Liccione
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“Sin is man's, last attempt to perfection.”
Anthony Liccione
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“A diamond, is a woman's last resort to love.”
Anthony Liccione
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“The darkness always lies.”
Anthony Liccione
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“Every hill becomes a mountain when one has to climb up it.”
Anthony Liccione
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“There is no pride when it comes to survival, only determination.”
Anthony Liccione
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