Anton Hansen Tammsaare photo

Anton Hansen Tammsaare

A.H. Tammsaare, born Anton Hansen, was an Estonian writer whose pentalogy Truth and Justice (Tõde ja õigus; 1926 – 1933) is considered one of the major works of Estonian literature and "The Estonian Novel".

Tammsaare was born in 1878 into a farming family. He attended secondary school in Tartu from 1898 to 1903 and from 1903 to 1905 he worked as an editor at the Tallinn newspaper, Teataja. In Tallinn he was able to witness the Russian Revolution of 1905.

In 1907 he enrolled as a law student at Tartu University, but in 1911 he was unable to sit his finals, as he became very ill with tuberculosis. He was moved to Sochi on the Black Sea and then to the Caucasus Mountains, where his condition improved. On his return to Estonia, he lived for six years on his brother's farm where he was again affected by illness. Unable to work, he threw himself into his studies and mastered English, French, Finnish and Swedish.

After his marriage in 1920 he moved to Tallinn and embarked on the most productive period of his life. His greatest influences were the Russian classics of Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy and Gogol, butt his work also shows the influence of Oscar Wilde, Knut Hamsun and Andre Gide. He occupies a central place in the development of the Estonian novel and is a figure of European significance.

“Võib-olla ei peaks kunagi hommikul seda lugema, mis südaöösel kirjutatud: hommik ja südaöö ei mõista teineteist või nad mõistavad võõriti.”
Anton Hansen Tammsaare
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“Ma usun neid ridu kirjutades üsna kindlasti, et ma armastasin Teid juba enne meie tutvumist, ainult et ma veel ei teadnud, et just Teie see olete, keda ma armastan.”
Anton Hansen Tammsaare
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