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Antonio Tabucchi

Antonio Tabucchi was an Italian writer and academic who taught Portuguese language and literature at the University of Siena, Italy.

Deeply in love with Portugal, he was an expert, critic and translator of the works of the writer Fernando Pessoa from whom he drew the conceptions of saudade, of fiction and of the heteronyms. Tabucchi was first introduced to Pessoa's works in the 1960s when attending the Sorbonne. He was so charmed that, back in Italy, he attended a course of Portuguese language for a better comprehension of the poet.

“إن كان الأمر مجرد ذاكرة ، فلا يفترض أن تطغى على حاضرك بهذا الاستبداد . أنت تعيش في الماضي كما لو أنك ما تزال في كوامبرا ، ثلاثين سنة إلى الوراء و أن زوجتك ما تزال حية . إذا استمريت هكذا ستصبح من عبدة الذكريات و ربما تبدأ بالكلام مع صورة زوجتك . أنا أفعل ذلك حقاً”
Antonio Tabucchi
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“I've always been drawn to tormented people full of contradictions.”
Antonio Tabucchi
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“Le persone sono lontane quando ci stanno accanto, figurarsi quando sono lontane davvero.”
Antonio Tabucchi
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“I don't go for people who lead full and satisfying lives.”
Antonio Tabucchi
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“A l'intérieur de ce corps vivait l'âme d'une intellectuelle et poète dont personne n'avait le soupçon.Within this body lived the soul of an intellectual and poet, which nobody had suspected.”
Antonio Tabucchi
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“Like a blazing comet, I've traversed infinite nights, interstellar spaces of the imagination, voluptuousness and fear. I've been a man, a woman, an old person, a little girl, I've been the crowds on the grand boulevards of the capital cities of the West, I've been the serene Buddha of the East, whose calm and wisdom we envy. I've known honor and dishonor, enthusiasm and exhaustion....I've been the sun and the moon, and everything because life is not enough.”
Antonio Tabucchi
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“personally I don't trust literature that soothes people's consciences.”
Antonio Tabucchi
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