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Anya Allyn

“None of us moved for a moment, and I knew why. The possibility of finding Aisha like that was too much, too grisly.”
Anya Allyn
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“I tried to force myself to say goodnight, get up and walk away. But the words wouldn’t form. The world closed in, grew small and tight—the space within a snow globe. Cradling my arms into my chest, I leaned forward, and my mouth found his. His lips were cold, his body tensing.”
Anya Allyn
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“You want to know everything? Look at yourself. You discover a truth and can barely function.”
Anya Allyn
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“Philomena spun a tale about a butterfly that turned back into a caterpillar—saying that the butterfly would rather live in the cocoon for years than fly under the sun for only a few short days.“Butterflies don’t last,” said Philomena solemnly.”
Anya Allyn
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“The green fractals of the forest and the eons of faint star clusters above—my math’s teacher’s order in the universe—were nothing like the thoughts that jumped at me like thieves. When your friend has a boyfriend, you are supposed to back off.”
Anya Allyn
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