"I observe, explore, evolve, therefore I author"

My first book 'Life..Love..Kumbh..' is about the miasma called life with all its little foibles and joys.

My second book,'ALCHEMIST OF THE EAST' , released in December 2015 is an inspirational fable with a historical setting. One can read it for wisdom, adventure and love.

'The Chronicle of Sapata Sindhu' is my first historical, mythological novel which is available both in the print version and as an ebook.

My next release is a love story with a twisted crime, tentatively titled 'Black Coffin, Sweet Flowers'.

I am working on a compilation of ghost stories from Himalayas and then i would be completing my Woodhouseque humor ' The adventures of Mr. Midwinter.'

In an interview with Dr Roopleen, Aporva talks about his life, philosophy and his book “life love kumbh”

Roopleen Prasad: What’s the story behind the story of “lifelove Kumbh?” What inspired you to pen this novel?

Aporva Kala: During early part of 1980s, when I was a child, I happen to attend a Kumbh Bath at Prayag, Allahabad; the images of which stayed with me. Then I attended a couple of Kumbh fairs at Haridwar, last one being in 2010. It was a lucky break that the story unfolded in January 2010 and I started penning it with three characters on the backdrop of Kumbh fair.

As for the inspiration for writing, we all of us have ideas which we want to share with others; writing is thus a need to communicate. Of late we (Indians) have developed a sense of gloom and a self-deprecating attitude which this book tries to correct as it celebrates what our country stands for- peace, universal brotherhood and learning.

RP: What were the challenges you faced in getting your book published?

AK: I would consider myself lucky that I found a passionate publisher who understood my work and went ahead with publishing it. But I do agree that publishing is one hell of a challenge.

RP: Although there is no magic formula to become a good writer, there are certain attributes of a good writer. What in your view are those “must have” qualities?

AK: I think a writer is a magician in his own right! An eye for details, human sensitivity, dreamers’ passion, idea and proficiency of language and courage to be a part of the story are some of the qualities a writer must possess.

RP: What avenues have you found to work best for marketing your book?

AK: I followed my publisher’s advice of being active on the Social Networking sites. And, I must confess, it did help. Other than this, I haven’t really chalked out a formal strategy for marketing my book for I believe that if a book is well written, well researched and has a unique idea, it would find many a good readers. I’m quite happy with the response it has received from the readers so far.

RP: Do you feel any competitive pressure from other authors and their work in the same genre?

AK: Every writer has a style and content which makes him stand out in the crowd. Having said that, I would also like to add that Capitalism does entail a sense of competitiveness and struggle to capture the interest of the readers, which makes it imperative for a writer to write well!

RP: What advice would you give to the aspiring writers?

AK: Write from the heart, without the fear or apprehensions about whether your work will get published or not; whatever you write, write honestly.

RP: We have heard that writing for you is an ‘exercise in creativity.’ How do you define creativity and what do you when you are not engaged in your ‘creative work-outs?’

AK: Creativity is a unique way to do everyday work- not something which overwhelms you but something which challenges you ‘to achieve, to grow and to seek.’ When not writing, I pursue Yog and am involved in teaching which I feel is full of challenges and has a lot of potential for innovations.

RP: What is your idea of a “Happy Life?”

AK: Life itself is free from adverbs, prefixes and definitions. It is our c

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