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April Brookshire

Author of romance and urban fantasy. Her works include the Young Assassins series, Beware of Bad Boy series and Dead Chaos series. She currently lives in Denver, Colorado.

“Why do you love me?” I sigh at the question I’ve asked myself frequently over the years. With a quick peck to his lips, I tell him, “Because, in you, I found my heart.”
April Brookshire
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“I want you back, Annabelle.” This time my laughter is full of nothing but genuine humor. It’s that ‘oh my god, I can’t believe that’ kind of humor. I lean forward and put my face in my palms, still laughing. “Holy crap,” I say in-between laughs, “that’s hilarious.” I peek up at him to see his disgruntled expression and then bust up laughing again.  “I’m serious,” he grunts out, looking cute in his exasperation, damn him. Not done, I hold up a hand. “Oh, oh, wait. Just let me go get my gun so you can shoot me again. Of course I want to get back together with you, Gabriel.” Putting on a serious face, I say earnestly, “He shoots me because he loves me.”
April Brookshire
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“of myself right off the bat? If that doesn’t send her running back to me, I don’t know what will.”
April Brookshire
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“My existence is colorless when I’m not imagining you. You haunt me, Annabelle. ”
April Brookshire
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“That’s it. That is fucking it. I stand up, grab Anna by the waist and, while dragging her to the bedroom, say over my shoulder to Brent, “If you can answer the door when her brother gets here, we’d appreciate it. Don’t bother us for the next hour, two if Anna’s as insatiable as usual. You may want to turn on the television to drown out the noise!” I push a laughing Anna into the bedroom and slam the door behind us.  ”
April Brookshire
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“All right, I’ll go with this one called ‘Handsome Devil’. That’s me after all.”
April Brookshire
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“since I’m still healing from my gunshot wound. That I wear like a badge of honor. My baby gave me this injury. ‘Cause she loves me.”
April Brookshire
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“ The stupid boy has the nerve to laugh. I sit up and punch him in the gut. Stupid boy ain't laughing now. Now he's too busy grunting in pain. ”
April Brookshire
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