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April Paine

April Paine is a writer, teacher and small joy enthusiast. April loves reading Dickens, Austen and Atkins. She is eager to participate in discussions about health, weight, parenting and other topics that often make us feel like self-slapping (but April believes it doesn’t have to be like that).

After a decade in England, April now resides in the great state of Texas with her husband, two children and an irrational fear of being stopped by a Texas State Trooper. During her tenure in England, she learned a little about tea and a lot about keeping calm and carrying on. Now that she’s back in Texas, she’s learning a lot about iced tea and a little about going crazy and dancing the Texas two-step.

In the mood for a good read? April is the proud author of The ABCs of Baby #2 - a book she co-wrote with her sister, Kimberly Crabb. Unlike traditional baby books, this book is geared toward parents about to embark on the adventures of a second child. It’s a book that breaks down the steps for welcoming a sibling and encourages parents to treat themselves with kindness as they introduce a new member into the family.

Looking for something healthy and fun? You might like April’s latest book, 1 Weight Loss Plan, 2 Weeks, 3 Friends; Using the Buddy System to Fight Fat. Co-written with her college BFF, Stacey Wein, this book embraces the buddy system when it comes to weight loss and will keep you chuckling all night long as you uncover page after page of “been there” moments. 1 Weight Loss Plan, 2 Friends, 3 Weeks is more than this duo’s weight loss memoir though, it’s a buddy system plan that actually works. So grab a friend and embrace all that healthy living has to offer today!

“Am I alone in this mother-food connection or does being with your mom trigger the sudden and voracious need for large amounts of mac & cheese, rice pudding, and the scraps along the side of a bowl of cookie dough?”
April Paine
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