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Arinn Dembo

Arinn Dembo is a multi-genre author living and working in Vancouver, BC. Although she has published fiction and poetry in a number of anthologies and magazines, she is best known for her work in the computer gaming industry.

Dembo has contributed world-building and background fiction to over a dozen PC games and is the creator of the Sword of the Stars universe, among others.

Her military science fiction novel, The Deacon's Tale, is set in the Sword of the Stars universe she created for Kerberos Productions and was published in 2011. Monsoon and Other Stories, a collection of short fiction and poetry, was published in 2012.

“It was June in Maharashtra, and the monsoon would not come. The whole district lay panting in the heat, the burning sky clapped tight overhead like the lid of a tandoor oven. Lean goats stumbled down the narrow alleyways, udders hanging slack and dry beneath them; beggars cried for water in every village. Dust-devils swept over baked clay and through the dry weeds, whistling and shrieking. Hot sand blew into the eyes of torpid bullocks as they leaned into the yoke, whips snapping over their bony backs. A single stream crept along the valley floor, shrunken and muddy, and women stood ankle deep in its shallows, beating their laundry against rocks that rippled and danced in the sun.”
Arinn Dembo
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“If you're going to be a narcissistic schmuck, kid, don't bother studying Faulkner. Go straight to Brett Easton Ellis. He's the role model you need.”
Arinn Dembo
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