Aristóteles photo


384 BC–322 BC

Greek philosopher Aristotle, a pupil of Plato and the tutor of Alexander the Great, authored works on ethics, natural sciences, politics, and poetics that profoundly influenced western thought; empirical observation precedes theory, and the syllogism bases logic, the essential method of rational inquiry in his system, which led him to see and to criticize metaphysical excesses.

Empirical, scientific, or commonsensical methods of an Aristotelian, also Aristotelean, a person, tends to think. Deductive method, especially the theory of the syllogism, defines Aristotelian logic. The formal logic, based on that of Aristotle, deals with the relations between propositions in terms of their form instead of their content.

German religious philosopher Saint Albertus Magnus later sought to apply his methods to current scientific questions. Philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas, the most influential thinker of the medieval period, combined doctrine of Aristotle within a context of Christianity.

Aristotle numbers among the greatest of all time. Almost peerless, he shaped centuries from late antiquity through the Renaissance, and people even today continue to study him with keen, non-antiquarian interest. This prodigious researcher and writer left a great body, perhaps numbering as many as two hundred treatises, from which 31 survive. His extant writings span a wide range of disciplines from mind through aesthetics and rhetoric and into such primary fields as biology; he excelled at detailed plant and animal taxonomy. In all these topics, he provided illumination, met with resistance, sparked debate, and generally stimulated the sustained interest of an abiding readership.

Wide range and its remoteness in time defies easy encapsulation. The long history of interpretation and appropriation of texts and themes, spanning over two millennia within a variety of religious and secular traditions, rendered controversial even basic points of interpretation.

“Die gesprochenen Worte sind die Zeichen von Vorstellungen in der Seele und die geschriebenen Worte sind die Zeichen von gesprochenen Worten. So wie nun die Schriftzeichen nicht bei allen Menschen dieselben sind, so sind auch die Worte nicht bei allen Menschen dieselben; aber die Vorstellungen in der Rede, deren unmittelbare Zeichen die Worte sind, sind bei allen Menschen dieselben und eben so sind die Gegenstände überall dieselben, von welchen diese Vorstellungen die Abbilder sind.”
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“Cualquiera puede enfadarse, eso es algo muy sencillo. Pero enfadarse con la persona adecuada, en el grado exacto, en el momento oportuno, con el propósito justo y del modo correcto, eso, ciertamente, no resulta tan sencillo.”
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“ Mutlu kişi hayatın getirdiklerine göre bir mutlu bir mutsuz olan kişi değil, yaşam boyu erdemli davranan talihin cilvelerine onurlu bir şekilde katlanan ve elindekileriyle en iyi şekilde davranan kişidir.”
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“…¿por qué será que todos los que están por encima de la media en filosofía, política, poesía o en las artes parecen ser melancólicos, y hasta cierto punto están incluso amenazados por enfermedades como la bilis negra?”
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“Daher ist die Dichtkunst Sache von phantasiebegabten oder von leidenschaftlichen Naturen; die einen sind wandlungsfähig, die anderen stark erregbar.”
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“A pior forma de desigualdade é tentar fazer duas coisas diferentes serem iguais.”
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“Es ignorancia no saber distinguir entre lo que necesita demostración y lo que no la necesita.”
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“El sabio no dice todo lo que piensa, pero siempre piensa todo lo que dice.”
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“Persahabatan sangat diperlukan dalam hidup, karena tanpa sahabat hidup terasa hambar, walau pun kita memiliki kekayaan dan kemasyhuran.”
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“Sólo hay una fuerza motriz: el deseo.”
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