Arshad Ahsanuddin photo

Arshad Ahsanuddin

“I am a Child of the Twilight. I hold the line against the Darkness, from the setting of the sun to the dawning of a new day. I live for the Light, I die for the Light. My eyes are open, and I am not afraid.”
Arshad Ahsanuddin
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“Mortals die, Nick. It's what they do." Lorcan's eyes bored into him. "To attach yourself to them is to watch them grow old and feeble while you remain forever young. You will see their love turn to envy, then to resentment, then hatred, as they are forced to confront their own mortality reflected in your eyes.”
Arshad Ahsanuddin
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“Grabbing Jeremy's lapels, Nick pulled him closer, grasping him not with fingers but with claws. His face inches away from Jeremy's, his eyes burning red, his fangs sharp and gleaming, he screamed, "BECAUSE YOU'RE MINE! NO ONE THREATENS WHAT'S MINE AND WALKS AWAY!" His growl rumbled through the room, ratcheting down into the subsonic. "I WILL BURN DOWN WHOLE ARMIES BEFORE I LET THEM TAKE YOU FROM ME!"..."Jesus, big brother," said Toby. "I know vampires are territorial when it comes to their mates, but you're way out in front for the possessive macho bullshit award."Nick sighed. "I know. I've got to work on that.”
Arshad Ahsanuddin
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