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Arthur Rimbaud

Hallucinatory work of French poet Jean Nicolas Arthur Rimbaud strongly influenced the surrealists.

With known transgressive themes, he influenced modern literature and arts, prefiguring. He started writing at a very young age and excelled as a student but abandoned his formal education in his teenage years to run away to Paris amidst the Franco-Prussian war. During his late adolescence and early adulthood, he produced the bulk of his literary output. After assembling his last major work,


, Rimbaud completely stopped writing literature at age 20 years in 1874.

A hectic, violent romantic relationship, which lasted nearly two years at times, with fellow poet Paul Verlaine engaged Rimbaud, a libertine, restless soul. After his retirement as a writer, he traveled extensively on three continents as a merchant and explorer until his death from cancer. As a poet, Rimbaud is well known for his contributions to symbolism and, among other works, for

A Season in Hell

, a precursor to modernist literature.

“Eternas ondinas,dividid el agua fina.Venus, del azul hermana,conmueve las puras aguas.Judío errante en Noruega,dime, ¿cómo nieva?Viejos exiliados tiernos,contadme el océano.YO-. Nunca esas bebidas puras,ni esas flores de florero, ni leyendas, ni figuras,saciarme pudieron.Coplista, tu ahijadaes mi sed que se desboca,hidra íntima sin bocasque roe y devasta.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“Is it in these bottomless nights that you sleep in exile?”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“Estendi cordas de campanário a campanário; guirlandas de janela a janela; correntes de ouro de estrela a estrela, e danço.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“What is my nothingness to the stupor that awaits you?”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“Yes, my eyes are closed to your light. I am an animal, a nigger. But I can be saved. You are fake niggers; maniacs, savages, misers, all of you.- Bad Blood”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“Stronger than alcohol, vaster than poetry,Ferment the freckled red bitterness of love!”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“Against snow, a tall Beautiful Being. Whistlings of death and circles of muffled music make this adored body rise, swell and tremble like a ghost; scarlet and black wounds open in the magnificent flesh.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“My wisdom is as spurned as chaos. What is my nothingness, compared to the amazement that awaits you?”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“Come from forever, and you will go everywhere.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“And, in the dawn, armed with a burning patience, we shall enter the splendid cities.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“And from that time on I bathed in the Poem Of the Sea, star-infused and churned into milk, Devouring the green azures; where, entranced in pallid flotsam,A dreaming drowned man sometimes goes down.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“C'était comme une nuit d'hiver, avec une neige pour étouffer le monde décidément.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“What an old maid I'm getting to be. lacking the courage to be in love with death!”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“To whom shall I hire myself out? What beast should I adore? What holy image is attacked? What hearts shall I break? What lies shall I uphold? In what blood tread?”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“A thousand Dreams within me softly burn:From time to time my heart is like some oakWhose blood runs golden where a branch is torn.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“Whose hearts must I break? What lies must I maintain? - Through whose blood am I to wade ?”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“And from then on, I bathed in the Poem of the Sea, star-infused, and opalescent,devouring green azures”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“It was the voice of mad seas, roaring immense,/ That shattered your infant breast, too soft, too human.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“It began as research. I wrote of silences, of nights, I scribbled the indescribable. I tied down the vertigo.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“The Poet makes himself a seer through a long, vast and painstaking derangement of all the senses”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“But, true, I’ve wept too much! Dawns break hearts./ Every moon is brutal, every sun bitter.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“True life is elsewhere”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“Evening prayerI spend my life sitting, like an angel in a barber's chair,Holding a beer mug with deep-cut designs,My neck and gut both bent, while in the airA weightless veil of pipe smoke hangs.Like steaming dung within an old dovecoteA thousand Dreams within me softly burn:From time to time my heart is like some oakWhose blood runs golden where a branch is torn.And then, when I have swallowed down my DreamsIn thirty, forty mugs of beer, I turnTo satisfy a need I can't ignore,And like the Lord of Hyssop and of MyrrhI piss into the skies, a soaring streamThat consecrates a patch of flowering fern.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“J'aimais les peintures idiotes, dessus de portes, décors, toiles de saltimbanques, enseignes, enluminures populaires ; la littérature démodée, latin d'église, livres érotiques sans orthographe, romans de nos aïeules, contes de fées, petits livres de l'enfance, opéras vieux, refrains niais, rythmes naïfs.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“A man who wants to mutilate himself is certainly damned, isn't he?”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“Unhappiness was my god.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“The same bourgeois magic everywhere the mail train sets you down.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“I could never throw Love out of the window.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“I'm now making myself as scummy as I can. Why? I want to be a poet, and I'm working at turning myself into a seer. You won't understand any of this, and I'm almost incapable of explaining it to you. The idea is to reach the unknown by the derangement of all the senses. It involves enormous suffering, but one must be strong and be a born poet. It's really not my fault.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“Idle youth, enslaved to everything; by being too sensitive I have wasted my life.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“O seasons, O castles,What soul is without flaws?All its lore is known to me,Felicity, it enchants us all.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“Os poetas serão! Quando for abolida a servidão infinita da mulher, quando ela viver para ela e por ela, tendo-lhe o homem dado baixa – até agora abominável -, ela também será poeta! A mulher encontrará o desconhecido! Divergirão dos nossos os seus mundos de ideias? Ela descobrirá coisas estranhas, insondáveis, repugnantes, deliciosas, tomá-las-emos e compreenderemos”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“Pagan blood returns!”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“One evening I sat Beauty on my knees – And I found her bitter – And I reviled her.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“By being too sensitive I have wasted my life.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“ such thing.Whatever it is that binds families and married couples together, that's not love. That's stupidity or selfishness or fear. Love doesn't exist. Self interest exists, attachment based on personal gain exists, complacency exists. But not love. Love has to be reinvented, that’s certain.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“My turn now. The story of one of my insanities.For a long time I boasted that I was master of all possible landscapes-- and I thought the great figures of modern painting and poetry were laughable.What I liked were: absurd paintings, pictures over doorways, stage sets, carnival backdrops, billboards, bright-colored prints, old-fashioned literature, church Latin, erotic books full of misspellings, the kind of novels our grandmothers read, fairy tales, little children's books, old operas, silly old songs, the naive rhythms of country rimes.I dreamed of Crusades, voyages of discovery that nobody had heard of, republics without histories, religious wars stamped out, revolutions in morals, movements of races and continents; I used to believe in every kind of magic.I invented colors for the vowels! A black, E white, I red, O blue, U green. I made rules for the form and movement of every consonant, and I boasted of inventing, with rhythms from within me, a kind of poetry that all the senses, sooner or later, would recognize. And I alone would be its translator.I began it as an investigation. I turned silences and nights into words. What was unutterable, I wrote down. I made the whirling world stand still.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“أيها العالم! الغناء الصافي لأحزان جديدة!”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“Je devrais avoir mon enfer pour la colère, mon enfer pour l'orgueil, - et l'enfer de la caresse; un concert d'enfers.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“La vraie vie est absente. Nous ne sommes pas au monde.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“Cela s'est passé. Je sais aujourd'hui saluer la beauté.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“Now I am an outcast. I loathe my country. The best thing for me is a drunken sleep on the beach.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“Here I am on the shore of Brittany. Let the cities light up in the evening. My day is done. I am leaving Europe. The sea air will burn my lungs. Lost climates will tan me. I will swim, trample the grass, hung, and smoke especially. I will drink alcohol as strong as boiling metal--just as my dear ancestors did around their fires.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“On the blue summer evenings, I will go along the paths,And walk over the short grass, as I am pricked by the wheat:Daydreaming I will feel the coolness on my feet.I will let the wind bathe my bare head. I will not speak,I will have no thoughts: But infinite love will mount in my soul;And I will go far, far off, like a gypsy,through the countryside - as happy as if I were with a woman. "Sensation”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“The poet makes himself a voyant through a long, immense reasoned deranging of all his senses. All the forms of love, of suffering, of madness; he tries to find himself, he exhausts in himself all the poisons, to keep only their quintessences.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“Elle est retrouvée!-Quoi? -l'Éternité.C'est la mer mêléeAu soleil.Je devins un opéra fabuleux : je vis que tous les êtres ont une fatalité de bonheur : l'action n'est pas la vie, mais une façon de gâcher quelque force, un énervement. La morale est la faiblesse du cerveau.À chaque être, plusieurs autres vies me semblaient dues. Ce monsieur ne sait pas ce qu'il fait : il est un ange.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“The first study for the man who wants to be a poet is knowledge of himself, complete: he searches for his soul, he inspects it, he puts it to the test, he learns it. As soon as he has learned it, he must cultivate it! I say that one must be a seer, make oneself a seer. The poet becomes a seer through a long, immense, and reasoned derangement of all the senses. All shapes of love suffering, madness. He searches himself, he exhausts all poisons in himself, to keep only the quintessences. Ineffable torture where he needs all his faith, all his superhuman strength, where he becomes among all men the great patient, the great criminal, the great accursed one--and the supreme Scholar! For he reaches the unknown! ....So the poet is actually a thief of Fire!”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“I have stretched ropes from bell-tower to bell-tower; garlands from window to window; chains of gold from star to star, and I dance.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“You will always be a hyena.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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“I shed more tears than God could ever have required.”
Arthur Rimbaud
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