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Arthur Slade

Arthur Slade was raised in the Cypress Hills of southwest Saskatchewan and began writing at an early age. He is the author of the bestselling The Hunchback Assignments series of books, Dust (which won the Governor General's award), Tribes and Jolted. He lives in Saskatoon, Canada (which really is a real place). Join his creative & somewhat clever newsletter at: what a zany newsletter!

“He had hours of paperwork ahead of him. All this paper would one day be the downfall of the Empire.”
Arthur Slade
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“Sky was the first god. Robert knew that there was only one God and he had a Son who was also God, but there were gods who had vanished: the gods of thunder, of fire, of the wide oceans of the earth.”
Arthur Slade
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“The eye is always half-full.”
Arthur Slade
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