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Ashley Jeffery

Ashley Jeffery grew up in the central valley of California. After years of devouring any books she could get her hands on, she finally got up the courage to write her own stories. The Wild Hunt is one of the many stories she started writing years ago. Ashley primarily writes Adult Fiction that leans towards urban fantasy, horror and the paranormal.

Even though her characters can be, and are often times monsters, Ashley wanted them to be believable, and flawed. As a reader and writer she wanted them to be both damaged and realistic, making sure they were layered with facets of both right and wrong. Even if the circumstances they lived with are fantastical Ashley likes to think that them as people could exist in today's world. Walking down busy streets, buying groceries, and existing without anyone ever knowing it...

Welsh mythology plays an important part in all of her stories. Ashley wanted to write about monsters no one had ever heard of. It is her hope that her readers will love them as much as she does.

“The dead never leave us. I didn’t have to see rotting zombies to remind me of that. Every day I remembered them and mourned. An ache inside that was forever constant. All I had left of them were memories. I cherished everyone like they were diamonds. I didn’t want to forget them. I didn’t want to let go." Lorelei Preston-The Wild Hunt”
Ashley Jeffery
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“The silence joined the words we always left unspoken. Circling around and around until I was sure, the quiet would slice me open".-Lo Preston-The Wild Hunt”
Ashley Jeffery
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“What do you want from me Duncan?” My breath caught in my throat when he licked his lips and swallowed hard. “I don’t know everything and nothing. I feel like you’re this giant flame that I can’t get away from. I fight the pull; I try as hard as I can to move in the other direction but something keeps bringing me back. I left town hoping I’d never come back here, but here I am. I guess I’m sick of fighting it. I’m willing to take the chance of burning up the question is, are you?”Duncan-The Wild Hunt”
Ashley Jeffery
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“Every morning I wake up, I feel guilty; every breath of borrowed time is heavy in my chest."-Lo-The Wild Hunt”
Ashley Jeffery
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“A familiar pang of dread wrapped its icy hand around my heart." Lorelei Preston-The Wild Hunt”
Ashley Jeffery
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“The scars weren’t overly red, but faded, some just light lines on my skin. Some of them I could cover with makeup, while others would never truly disappear. I felt like they completed me. A reflection of the way I felt inside."---Lo The Wild Hunt”
Ashley Jeffery
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