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Farid ud-Din Attar

فَریدالدّین ابوحامِد محمّد عطّار نِیشابوری (۵۴۰ - ۶۱۸ قمری) یکی از عارفان و شاعران ایرانی بلندنام ادبیات فارسی در پایان سدهٔ ششم و آغاز سدهٔ هفتم است.

نام او «محمّد»، لقبش «فرید الدّین» و کنیه‌اش «ابوحامد» بود و در شعرهایش بیشتر عطّار و گاهی نیز فرید تخلص کرده‌است.


“If the eye of the heart is open, in each atom there will be one hundred secrets.”
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“A Drunkard accuses a Drunkard...A sot became extremely drunk - his legsAnd head sank listless, weighed by wine's thick dregs.A sober neighbour put him in a sackAnd took him homewards hoisted on his back.Another drunk went stumbling by the first,Who woke and stuck his head outside and cursed."Hey, you, you lousy dipsomaniac,"He yelled as he was borne off in the sack,"If you'd had fewer drinks, just two or three,You would be walking now as well as me.”
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