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Auberon Waugh


“The price of privilege is eternal vigilance.”
Auberon Waugh
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“My own attitude to the innumerable injustices of life has always been a philosophical one, especially when they have tended to operate in my favour.”
Auberon Waugh
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“In their quest for power and self-importance, to compensate for whatever feelings of social inadequacy or sexual insecurity, they (Politicians)are prepared to perpetrate something which is hard to distinguish from mass murder if they think they can get away with it...”
Auberon Waugh
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“Listening to the Gospel on Palm Sunday, it struck me that many people criticise Pontius Pilate for his role in the affair while letting the multitude go scot free. Pilate did what little he could to dissuade them from the extremely unpleasant course of action on which they were set, but the multitude kept shouting for a crucifixion. Pilate could not have done more without provoking a riot. The crucifixion when it happened was a victory for direct democracy against the effete, liberal paternalism of Pilate.If I am right, and the crucifixion be seen as an early victory for the principle of direct democracy, then it must follow...that good men should struggle to confound and frustrate the multitude whenever possible.”
Auberon Waugh
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“The main objection to killing people as a that killing people is wrong”
Auberon Waugh
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“My own theory is that the spectacle of the homeless may be necessary to keep the rest of us on the straight and narrow...”
Auberon Waugh
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“...judicial execution can never cancel or remove the atrocity it seeks to punish: it can only add a second atrocity to the original one.”
Auberon Waugh
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“When Glenda Jackson reveals that she has never been in a relationship with a man in which he hasn't raised his fists to her, I don't know whether this tells us more about the contemporary male or about Glenda Jackson.”
Auberon Waugh
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“It is just a lonely certainty that we are right and everybody else wrong, which makes it worthwhile for us busy-bodies to go on making a nuisance of ourselves. Our job is to keep both the simple Philistine and the greedy rich in their places, to prevent them, in their stupidity and avarice, from destroying everything that is left.”
Auberon Waugh
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“At the Serima Mission, in Victoria Province, I am shown around by an enchantingly pretty African nun called Sister Balbina...She cannot be more than 25, and has the most delightful figure. How poignant that she should have dedicated her life in this way.When we come to the bell tower, I ask her to climb up the ladder in front of me.It was rather a caddish request, I suppose, but I had often wondered. Black petticoats and pink knickers. To think I had to come all this way to find out.”
Auberon Waugh
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“Now that Mandela has been released from prison we can all admit what has been apparent, that he is not a Tembu tribesman, in fact he is not an African at all. He is quite obviously Chinese. Nothing wrong with that, of course, but it makes those who persist in seeing him as a great African statesman look rather foolish.”
Auberon Waugh
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“Unless people are prepared to declare themselves your enemies you have to hunt around for them.”
Auberon Waugh
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“You should tell the truth as often as you can, but in such a way as people don't believe you or think that you're being funny.”
Auberon Waugh
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“There are many Welsh who are taciturn, truthful, well formed, open minded, handsome and peaceful, even if no particular individual immediately springs to mind.”
Auberon Waugh
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“At any rate it seems unlikely that there is any truth in the rumour as I have just this moment invented it.”
Auberon Waugh
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“Strange how much simple wisdom there is to be found in the deformed head and unprepossessing carcase of your typical London cabbie.”
Auberon Waugh
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“It is impossible to be angry for very long with a man who wears a wig.”
Auberon Waugh
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“There are countless horrible things happening all over the world and horrible people prospering, but we must never allow them to disturb our equanimity or deflect us from our sacred duty to sabotage and annoy them whenever possible.”
Auberon Waugh
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