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Austin Kleon

I’m a writer who draws. I make art with words and books with pictures. Author of

Steal Like An Artist

and other bestsellers. Visit my website:

“Read deeply. Stay open. Continue to wonder.”
Austin Kleon
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“Be curious about the world in which you live. Look things up. Chase down every reference. Go deeper than anybody else--that's how you'll get ahead.”
Austin Kleon
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“Not everybody will get it. People will misinterpret you and what you do. They might even call you names. So get comfortable with being misunderstood, disparaged, or ignored -- the trick is to be too busy doing your work to care.”
Austin Kleon
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“Validation is for parking.”
Austin Kleon
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“There is a kind of fallout that happens when you leave college. The classroom is a wonderful, if artificial, place: Your professor gets paid to pay attention to your ideas, and your classmates are paying to pay attention to your ideas. Never again in your life will you have such a captive audience.”
Austin Kleon
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“The artist is a collector. Not a hoarder, mind you, there's a difference: Hoarders collect indiscriminately, artists collect selectively. They only collect things that they really love.”
Austin Kleon
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“Draw the art you want to see, start the business you want to run, play the music you want to hear, write the books you want to read, build the products you want to use – do the work you want to see done.”
Austin Kleon
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“Nothing is original. It says it right there in the Bible. Ecclesiastes:That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun.Every new idea is just a mashup or a remix of previous ideas.”
Austin Kleon
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“Nothing is more paralyzing than the idea of limitless possibilities.”
Austin Kleon
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“Inertia is the death of creativity”
Austin Kleon
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“In the end, creativity isn’t just the things we choose to put in, it’s the things we choose to leave out.”
Austin Kleon
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“Telling yourself you have all the time in the world, all the money in the world, all the colors in the palette, anything you want—that just kills creativity.”
Austin Kleon
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“Eat breakfast. Do some push-ups. Go for long walks. Get plenty of sleep.”
Austin Kleon
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“The thing is: It takes a lot of energy to be creative. You don’t have that energy if you waste it on other stuff.”
Austin Kleon
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“Ironically, really good work often appears to be effortless. People will say, “Why didn’t I think of that?” They won’t see the years of toil and sweat that went into it.”
Austin Kleon
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“Complain about the way other people make software by making software.”
Austin Kleon
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“So go on, get angry. But keep your mouth shut and go do your work.”
Austin Kleon
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“Find the most talented person in the room, and if it’s not you, go stand next to him.”
Austin Kleon
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“The only mofos in my circle are people that I can learn from.”
Austin Kleon
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“Your brain gets too comfortable in your everyday surroundings. You need to make it uncomfortable. You need to spend some time in another land, among people that do things differently than you. Travel makes the world look new, and when the world looks new, our brains work harder.”
Austin Kleon
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“If you’re worried about giving your secrets away, you can share your dots without connecting them.”
Austin Kleon
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“Show just a little bit of what you’re working on.”
Austin Kleon
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“Step 1: Wonder at something. Step 2: Invite others to wonder with you. You should wonder at the things nobody else is wondering about.”
Austin Kleon
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“Enjoy your obscurity while it lasts.”
Austin Kleon
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“You’ll never get that freedom back again once people start paying you attention, and especially not once they start paying you money.”
Austin Kleon
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“Keep all your passions in your life.”
Austin Kleon
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“Creative people need time to just sit around and do nothing.”
Austin Kleon
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“The best advice is not to write what you know, it’s to write what you like. Write the kind of story you like best—write the story you want to read. The same principle applies to your life and your career:”
Austin Kleon
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“You don’t want to look like your heroes, you want to see like your heroes.”
Austin Kleon
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“Copying is about reverse-engineering.”
Austin Kleon
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“Start copying what you love. Copy copy copy copy. At the end of the copy you will find your self.”
Austin Kleon
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“Pretend to be making something until you actually make something.”
Austin Kleon
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“Pretend to be something you’re not until you are—fake it until you’re successful, until everybody sees you the way you want them.”
Austin Kleon
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“Your job is to collect good ideas. The more good ideas you collect, the more you can choose from to be influenced by.”
Austin Kleon
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“You are, in fact, a mashup of what you choose to let into your life.”
Austin Kleon
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“Every new idea is just a mashup or a remix of one or more previous ideas.”
Austin Kleon
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“If you ever find that you're the most talented person in the room, you need to find another room.”
Austin Kleon
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“You don’t get to pick your family, but you can pick your teachers and you can pick your friends and you can pick the music you listen to and you can pick the books you read and you can pick the movies you see. You are, in fact, a mashup of what you choose to let into your life. You are the sum of your influences. The German writer Goethe said, "We are shaped and fashioned by what we love.”
Austin Kleon
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