Autumn Cornwell photo

Autumn Cornwell

Squat toilets, profuse sweating, jumbo centipedes, ear nibbling—these are just some of the delights I’ve encountered in my global adventures, which inspired my first YA comedic adventure, CARPE DIEM, published in the U.S. by Macmillan, followed by foreign editions in Germany (“Guten Tag!”), the Netherlands, and China.  The novel follows the story of overachiever Vassar Spore who is forced to backpack through Malaysia, Cambodia, and Laos with her wacky bohemian grandma—and experiences enough misadventures to last a lifetime.  Most of which (fortunately or unfortunately, as the case may be) really happened to me!

My work with the refugees and persecuted minority groups of Southeast Asia inspired my latest YA comedic adventure, NEVER SORRY EVER JOLLY, in which a group of teens fall in love AND into trouble while volunteering on the Thailand-Burma border.

Writing and speaking about physical, creative, spiritual—and WACKY—adventures has been my lifelong calling. When I’m not losing luggage internationally, I can be found attempting to write about those experiences at home in Southern California.

“Carpe Diem.Seize the day.Seize. The. Day.Seize the day!And why not?Why stay here? Why not escape? The path is well trod, and I have my Maglite. Why sit around waiting for impending doom? (Or, at the very least, messy retribution.) You have no choice, Vassar. The water supply is almost depleted, and your life's hanging by the proverbial thread. Get going!”
Autumn Cornwell
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“Non calor sed umor est qui nobis incommodat.It's not the heat, it's the humidity.”
Autumn Cornwell
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“Shut up, cowboy."Yes, ma'am."And give me a kiss."Yes, ma'am.”
Autumn Cornwell
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“He say: May you and Hanks have long life together with many little Hanks!" I gasped.I'll drink to that," said Hanks with a grin and quickly downed his lao-lao.”
Autumn Cornwell
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