Ayu Welirang photo

Ayu Welirang

Ayu Welirang is the author of Go Kory, Go!, Not for IT Folks, Opera Terakhir (short story in Antologi Kasus Sherlock Holmes Fans Indonesia), Double Life, Mata Pena series, Lelaki Bernama Sidik (short story in Antologi Detectives ID 2: Histerical Mystery), Rumah Kremasi, Halo Tifa, 7 Divisi, and Februari: Ecstasy. She is also the Indonesian translator of the first inverted detective story by R. Austin Freeman, entitled The Singing Bone. Her latest thriller book, Jejak Balak was chosen as the 2nd Winner of #LombaThrillerGPU held by Gramedia Pustaka Utama (GPU) and Gramedia Writing Project (GWP). In 2023, Ayu won the Author of the Year award from the Scarlet Pen Awards organized by Detectives ID.

In addition to fiction, she also wrote some light essays about politics, media, music, books, and movie reviews. These essays are published in Harian Pikiran Rakyat, Bandung Music web portal, Serunai.co, Omong-omong.com, and Jakartabeat.Net.

Learn more at www.ayuwelirang.com and connect with Ayu on Twitter or Instagram @ayuwelirang.

“Orang-orang tidak bisa membelikan aku apapun yang aku mau, karena yang aku mau cuma kebebasan.”
Ayu Welirang
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