Νίκος Καρούζος photo

Νίκος Καρούζος

Nikos Karouzos is one of the foremost Greek poets of the 20th century. Karouzos took part in the Resistance and studied Law at Athens University. His first poems appeared in 1949, and between 1954 and 1990 he published more than 20 poetry collections. His final volume appeared posthumously in 1991.

Karouzos also wrote literary criticism and essays on theatre and art. He received the State Poetry Prize twice; in 1972 and 1988.

His collected works were published between 1993 and 2002 by Ikaros in Athens: Poems I in 1993; Poems II in 1994; his Selected Prose in 1998; and Interviews with Nikos Karouzos in 2002. In 1993, a major Symposium on his work was held at Athens University, the proceedings of which were published by Ikaros in 1996. A second Symposium on Karouzos' works was held in 2000, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of his death.

“Ξημέρωσε κι απλώθηκε να λύσειτα μάγια του το φως πάνω στο στάριπου πάλλονταν. Κατάλαβα τη ρήση:ο χρόνος είχε σβήσει το λυχνάριτου μέλλοντος. Και ρίχνοντας το ζάριμιας μοίρας που την είχα λησμονήσειθυμήθηκα το μόνο που γνωρίζω:φεύγω μακριά θα πει απλώς γυρίζω.”
Νίκος Καρούζος
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