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Banani Ray

Banani Ray is a mystic, spiritual guide and an authority on meditation and transformation of consciousness. She teaches Om Inner Sun Meditation, a powerful but simple meditation technique that brings out your inner potential, activates the solar energy in your body, balances the Chakras and enlighten the mind. She is author of several books on meditation, mysticism and infinite human potential. Her passion is to de-mystify meditation and teach meditation as a simple practice for improving lives. She is an outstanding meditation master and spiritual guide who teaches how with a simple daily meditation technique we can reprogram our consciousness and biology to improve health, wealth, relationship and every aspect of our lives. Simple, yet profound and effective, her teaching integrates her knowledge of modern neuroscience, biology, psychology and epigenetics with ancient wisdom revealed to her through deep meditation.

While she was teaching in a women's college, she experienced an awakening, and underwent a massive inner transformation, which led her to undertake deep spiritual practices in the quest for realization of the ultimate truth. For the next nine years, she devoted all her time to meditation.

Ultimately, her quest motivated her to undertake austere spiritual practices and self-enquiry in solitude. For several years, she lived in Himalaya with her husband Amit Ray, living a life dedicated to meditation and spiritual practices. Over the years, a series of mystic experiences opened up for her the door for profound realization of the underlying connectedness and oneness of all beings. She started living her realization, sharing her wisdom through her writings and teaching.

“Real love is a humble receptivity of a silent heart that is prepared to melt and merge…”
Banani Ray
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“We are not strangers in this journey of life…We are connected to each other through this mysterious field of love.”
Banani Ray
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“Love and ego can never exist together, just as the Sun and shadow cannot.”
Banani Ray
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“No one and nothing outside of you can give you salvation, or free you from the misery. You have to light your own lamp. You have to know the miniature universe that you yourself are.”
Banani Ray
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