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Barbara Brooke

Barbara Brooke writes from the comfort of her home in sunny Florida. Although she's frequently distracted by her supportive husband, two adorable children, gorgeous greyhounds, scruffy mutt, and egg-dropping chickens, she's always eager to create new worlds and interesting characters for her next book.


Beyond Glimmers

Awards for Glimmers:

eLit Book Awards (Illuminating Digital Publishing Excellence)2012 ~ First place in Romance

Kindle Book Review Best Indie Author 2012 ~ Semifinalist in Romance

New York Book Festival 2012 ~ Runner-up in Romance

Finalist in the Prize Writer Competition 2015

“I suspect that I’m not alone when it comes to altering my surroundings depending on how I feel at any particular moment: diving into a specific book, immersing inside a particular movie, devouring certain foods or humming to just the right song.”
Barbara Brooke
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“They’re close. Voices loud and fierce, Slapping faces with words. A scream … A cry … They’re getting closer. Did I lock the door? It’s too late to check. They’re coming. I barely move, barely breathe. Perhaps they’ll go away. But they’re getting closer. The door slams against the wall. My eyes squeeze shut. This curtain is not a shield. They’re here. They’ve come for me. I freeze. Metal rings clank together. My barrier is cast aside. Wearily, I look. Reddened eyes glower at one another … But not at me. I wonder. A moment of silence … Water streams down my face. Steam rolls around my flesh. I glare at the intruders And slide the curtain between us. I wait. He shrieks, “She took my glow stick!” She howls, “No, I didn’t!” I scowl. “Go tell your father about it.” They leave. I inhale the lavender mist. Slather bubbles over my skin. Five more minutes … And, next time, I shall lock the door.”
Barbara Brooke
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“Toys have taken over my family room. I watch Mary Poppins, and no matter how many spoonfuls of sugar I eat, action figures won’t march into a bin with the snap of my fingers.”
Barbara Brooke
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“Why do I write? Because, I am able to create wonders with a click of my keyboard. I turn my computer on, and suddenly, I’m whisked into a world full of wonder and amazement. The universe bends to my will and defies physics. But when the afternoon arrives, I must return to my duties. I leave the comfort of my home and crawl through the elementary school carpool line. When I see the brightened faces of my children, my heart flutters, and I realize I can live with a few straggling toys … as long as I can escape into the shower later.”
Barbara Brooke
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“A dark-chocolate truffle melts in my mouth, and I forget about everything else ... even the fact that I'm on a diet.”
Barbara Brooke
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“Have you hugged your book today?”
Barbara Brooke
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“Unfortunately, there isn't a rewind button to life.”
Barbara Brooke
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