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Barbara Hart

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“You should never look at the cup or glass as being half empty; see it as being half empty, then you will have mastered the test of greatness.”
Barbara Hart
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“Be careful how you look at people, or treat them; you may be in the presence of an angel.”
Barbara Hart
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“If you expect to reach the goal of perfection, never look at the cup as being half empty, see it as being half full.”
Barbara Hart
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“All things are possible if only you believe. Beleive and you shall surely receive. There will always be someone who will make you greive; just continue to beleive.”
Barbara Hart
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“No matter what a situation or circumstance looks like; know that nothing is ever what it seems. Never loose hope. ”
Barbara Hart
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“Other than the love of God; the greatest love is self love. You have to love yourself more than you love someone else in order to succeed in a prosperous life.”
Barbara Hart
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“We were given our lives to live to the fullest of our ability; come out of that dark and musty hole and begin to live.”
Barbara Hart
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“When you've been tossed and driven like the mighty rushing wind; hold on to you sense of dignity, in the end you will be the one that comes out on the top.”
Barbara Hart
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“Never look down on anyone unless you're looking down to offer your hand to help pick them up.”
Barbara Hart
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“No matter what kind of criticism is thrown your way; always remember that you are special.”
Barbara Hart
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