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Bart Yates

Author also writes as Noah Bly

Bart Yates was born in Cheyenne, WY, raised in Lamoni, IA, educated in Boston, MA, and now lives in Iowa City, IA, with the world's finest and most discerning cat.

In addition to writing, Yates is a musician, and plays clarinet, saxophone, and bass guitar.

His latest novel is THE VERY LONG, VERY STRANGE LIFE OF ISAAC DAHL, available in stores on July 23, 2024.

For personal blogs, reviews, and info about upcoming events, readers can visit his website:

“The librarian is a caricature of librarian - short white hair, horn-rimmed glasses, a bosom you could hide Christmas presents under and a New England-tight-ass face that looks like she hasn's taken a shit since her family came over on the Mayflower.”
Bart Yates
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“Where does a child of mine get all that hair, I wonder? Arthur’s not exceptionally hirsute, and the men on my side of the family are as bald as potatoes. I must have had an affair with a gorilla before he was born, but you’d think I’d remember something like that, wouldn’t you? ... Be a dear and remind me to leave my brandy flask at home the next time I visit the zoo.”
Bart Yates
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“Want to know the biggest lie ever written? 'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.”
Bart Yates
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“Every time a book opens, an angel coughs up a hairball.”
Bart Yates
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“Love attacks. It sneaks up like a pride of lions or a pack of hyenas and eats your heart out while you watch. Love is the bully on the playground who takes your lunch money and gives you a black eye in return, the arsonist who burns your house down with you in it, the witch who lures you into her home with candy and boils you alive for dinner. Love is raw, and violent, and instantaneous. You don’t fall in love; you get trampled by it.”
Bart Yates
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“I should probably apologize for how much I swear, but fuck it. I've read that some people think swearing shows a lack of imagination and a limited vocabulary, but sometimes "darn" and "poop" and "oh heck" just don't cut it. Besides, swearing is kind of fun.”
Bart Yates
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“It seems to be that loneliness is a small price to pay for peace and quiet.”
Bart Yates
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