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Beatrice Sparks

Beatrice Sparks was an American therapist and Mormon youth counselor who was known for producing books purporting to be the 'real diaries' of troubled teenagers. The books deal with topical issues such as drug abuse, Satanism, teenage pregnancy or AIDS, and are presented as cautionary tales. Although Sparks always presented herself as merely the discoverer and editor of the diaries, records at the U.S. Copyright Office show that in fact she was listed as the sole author for all but two of them.

Sparks began working with teenagers in 1955, after attending the University of California at Los Angeles and Brigham Young University. She has worked as a music therapist at Utah State Mental Hospital and taught continuing education courses at BYU.

Critics have called the precise extent of Sparks' qualifications and experience into question. The editorial credit on some of the diaries published by Sparks identifies her as "Dr Beatrice Sparks, PhD". However, when journalist Aileen Pace Nilsen interviewed Sparks for School Library Journal in 1979, she was unable to find any confirmation of where or when Sparks earned her doctorate. Nilsen also wrote that Sparks was "vague about specifics" when asked about her counseling qualifications and professional experience.

Sparks said that her experience working with troubled adolescents made her want to produce cautionary tales that would keep other teens from falling into the same traps. Her first work, Go Ask Alice, was published under the byline 'Anonymous' in 1971.

“…I’d have died without them [books]. Even now I’m not really sure which parts of myself are real and which parts are things I’ve gotten from books.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“I'm afraid to live and afraid to die.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“Why is life so difficult? Why can't we be just ourselves and have everyone accept us the way we are?”
Beatrice Sparks
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“This morning when I left Mom's parting words were, "Come straight home after school." Wow! Like I'm going to get stoned at 3:30—it doesn't sound so bad at that.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“They have accepted me as an individual, as a personality, as an entity. I belong! I am important! I am somebody!”
Beatrice Sparks
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“¿Por qué será tan difícil la vida? ¿Porqué no podemos ser como somos y que nos acepten como tales? ¿Por qué no puedo ser yo, sencillamente, tal como soy ahora, sin necesidad de concentrarme, de mortificarme sobre mi pasado y sobre mi futuro?”
Beatrice Sparks
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“Tengo este necio temor: el temor de ser vieja sin haber sido nunca joven deverdad.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“Antes pensaba que la única que sentía las cosas era yo, pero realmente no soy sino una parte infinitamente pequeña de la humanidad que sufre.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“Tal vez ha sido bueno sufrir tanto, pues eso me hará más comprensiva y tolerante con el resto de la humanidad.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“Querido Diario: Han transcurrido mil años lunares, del tiempo lunar. Todoel mundo ha estado contando historias menos yo. No tengo nada digno quecontar. Todo lo que puedo hacer es dibujar monstruos, órganos internos yodiar.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“Incluso con mis amigas no soy realmente yo misma.En parte soy otra; tratando de encajar, de decir cosas apropiadas, de hacerlas cosas requeridas, de estar en el lugar más indicado, de vestir comovisten todos. A veces pienso que cada uno trata de ser la sombra de otro;compramos los mismos discos y hacemos como los demás, aunque no nosguste. Los muchachos son como robots, piezas en línea para el montaje, yyo no quiero ser un robot.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“¿Cómo puedo sentirme tan miserable, turbada, humillada, apaleada, yhablar todavía, funcionar, sonreír y, concentrarme?”
Beatrice Sparks
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“I wanted to write in you.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“I guess I'll never measure up to anyone's expectations. I surely don't measure up to what I'd like to be.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“Color intermingled with color. People intermingled with people. Color and people intercoursing together.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“I only know that I am now a priestess of Satan trying to maintain after a freak-out to test how free everybody was and to take our vows.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“How is it possible for me to be so miserable and embarrassed and humiliated and beaten an function still talk and smile and concentrate?”
Beatrice Sparks
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“The voice of every kid hooked on drugs, alcohol or the occult joins the sad chorus “Not me! I didn’t think it could ever happen to me. I was sure I could handle it.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“Like usual, what I want is not important, what I’m supposed to do that counts.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“Judas, boredom is such a drag, drag, drag. Writing might be good therapy for me, though.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“If people are going to keep a journal, they should do it when they’re little, where all the good things happen, before life starts kicking you in the ass and in the head and every other places.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“They don’t think “I care,” “I hurt,” or “I have feelings.” It just seems like I’m always “wrong,” always “selfish,” always “self-centered” and everything else that’s negative and destructive.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“I would like to stay stoned all the time, it scares me it’s so good. I would like to stay stoned every minute of every day for the rest of my life.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“What do you know about love? Are your feelings more holy than mine? Am I exempt from the knowledge of love until I become “of age?” Do I automatically become human enough when I start loving you and seeing things your way?”
Beatrice Sparks
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“Why so much hate in your mind when love is the only way to straighten things out?”
Beatrice Sparks
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“You can’t do anything to please anybody or say anything to please them or even dress so they’ll be happy and give you a smile.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“When I’m with him, everything makes so much sense…when I’m away, it’s so much shit.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“I’m really cracking. No, I’m beyond cracking. I’m shattered. I’m lost. I’m fragmented.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“Ife can sure be a downer.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“I thought I was unhappy before… I was just a stupid young kid that didn’t know what happiness was. I was like a snot in a candy store who not only wanted all he could eat, but the whole thing. Life is stupid. Stupid. Or at least to this point, mine is.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“Upped but mentally disjointed.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“We are all in natural high, It was better than dope or booze or anything.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“Everyone is trying to get attention but intelligent persons get theirs by doing something worthwhile, beneficial to himself and the community.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“Sometimes fantasies are better than life.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“I guess this like everything else bad in life, will pass.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“It’s a terrible thing but it seems like tragedy brings people together, makes them more supportive, more dependent.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“Then there’s me… non-relevant, non-predicable… ass-headed.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“I pretend I’ve got lots of confidence and I’m a big jock and like that but deep inside I’m a frightened, insecure, can’t-make-it failure.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“I feel rotten but I can’t change the way I feel.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“Alone. The saddest word in the world.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“I know I was drugged but that is still no excuse. Why do they want to do things like that?”
Beatrice Sparks
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“I’ve got to sleep. Sleep is my only way to escape.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“Lying – remembering beauty in truth.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“I hope they never have to go through the kind of soul searching that I am going through.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“Got my shit together” Definition: I’ve learned how to play it cool. I’ve got some ideas worked out.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“I have invested my heart. There is a chance that it will be broken but also a chance at unlimited happiness.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“My biggest mistake: not wanting to help myself into thinking I am happy, that change would come about without really trying to change, or wanting to change. Procrastinating about changing. I do want to change.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“It's a good thing most people bleed on the inside or this would be a gory, blood-smeared earth.”
Beatrice Sparks
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“How can thoughts hurt so much when they aren't even physical?”
Beatrice Sparks
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“I'm partly somebody else trying to fit in and say the right things and do the right thing and be in the right place and wear what everybody else is wearing. Sometimes I think we're all trying to be shadows of each other, trying to buy the same records and everything even if we don't like them. Kids are like robots, off an assembly line, and I don't want to be a robot!”
Beatrice Sparks
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