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Beck Sherman

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Beck Sherman was born and raised in Massachusetts. Beck attended Syracuse University undergrad, has a master’s degree in photojournalism from the University of Westminster, London, and when not writing, enjoys exploring abandoned insane asylums and photo-documenting the things that go bump in the night, when they’re kind enough to pose. Beck's second book, Goodbye Nothing, will be available some time in the future.

“Men with power had the responsibility to know what was best, and they so rarely did.”
Beck Sherman
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“The human heart will clock approximately 3 billionbeats over an average lifetime. Not Johnny here, though. Just sevenhundred and nineteen million, eight hundred and ninety-eightthousand, six hundred and five, and a half.”
Beck Sherman
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“A long time ago, the act of another put the dark in his veins, and it's been there ever since. The night he lost his true love, his heart and his brain became one, so that his heart was scheming and his brain was loving. 'That doesn't sound so bad', my dream-self thought, but suddenly I could feel it, and it was very bad indeed—for when a brain loves, it is only out of obsession, and when a heart schemes, it does not mean well.”
Beck Sherman
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