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Belinda McBride

Belinda is an award-winning, top selling author of erotic romance, speculative fiction and LGBTQ romance. She lives in far Northern California with her family and a pack of Siberian Huskies.

A graduate of CSU Chico, she managed to attend the notorious party school without once getting drunk, arrested or appearing in a "Girls Gone Wild" video. Her main focus of study was classical and archival history, cultural anthropology and

theatre arts.

“Cowgirl...or Belle. Just not Cow Belle.”
Belinda McBride
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“I've learned that humility is not such a bad thing, and that strength can be found through submission. I've learned that I am not always right, and that being wroing is not a bad thing, nor is it weakness.”
Belinda McBride
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“Love isn't about forcing submission,Grif. Its about...doing for the one you love. It's about their happiness over our own.”
Belinda McBride
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“ man should be without those moments of reality, those experiences that tell him that he is only a mortal and not a god”
Belinda McBride
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“As a general rule, you won't find the love of your life while you're on your knees under a table." -- Helios Dayspring”
Belinda McBride
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“I told you I have both male and female organs.""You didn't say they were all fully functional!" Belle stared at the rapidly disappearing bulge."Damn girl, how'd you get so lucky? Shit!”
Belinda McBride
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“In some very rare cases, an opposite-sex pair was born, and they always mated one another. Disturbing as it might sound, when it did happen, the offspring were invariably gifted. Sera and Trace's sons were noted psych-scientists.”
Belinda McBride
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“I like my boyfriends to bend over, Robert.”
Belinda McBride
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“With you. I'll be with you.”
Belinda McBride
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“If he didn't get his cookie, then Harte would reacquaint himself with his hand.”
Belinda McBride
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“He reached out and ran his thumb over her bottom lip again and then slipped it inside her mouth. Eva froze, feeling the tip of his digit hook over her bottom teeth.”
Belinda McBride
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“You ended up hurting as well. That's pretty obvious.” She leaned over and ruffled his hair. “Sucks when the spider falls for the fly.”
Belinda McBride
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“Truth or dare...truth ain't fair. Marshal Robert Quantrell - Belle Starr: Dead Man's Hand (work in progress)”
Belinda McBride
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“That's new.” His gaze was hot and fierce.“My cock? I'm fairly certain it's always been there.”His grin flashed briefly. “No Lio, you've been cut. Circumcised.”“Oh.” I stared at the smooth column of my shaft. “That must have hurt.”
Belinda McBride
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“A whore is a whore is a whore.Except when he's something else completely.From the writings of King Helios Dayspring, High Priest of the Temple of the Sun”
Belinda McBride
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