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Bella Andre

Bella Andre is the New York Times, USA Today and Publishers Weekly bestselling author of “The Sullivans” and “The Morrisons” series.

Having sold more than 10 million books, Bella Andre’s novels have been #1 bestsellers around the world and have appeared on the New York Times and USA Today bestseller lists 84 times. She has been the #1 Ranked Author at Amazon (on a top 10 list that included Nora Roberts, JK Rowling, James Patterson and Steven King). Apple iBooks named her one of the "bestselling authors of all time." And Publishers Weekly named Oak Press (the publishing company she created to publish her own books) the Fastest-Growing Independent Publisher in the US. After signing a groundbreaking 7-figure print-only deal with Harlequin MIRA, Bella’s “The Sullivans” series is being released in paperback in the US, Canada, and Australia.

Known for “sensual, empowered stories enveloped in heady romance” (Publishers Weekly), her books have been Cosmopolitan Magazine “Red Hot Reads” twice and have been translated into ten languages. Winner of the Award of Excellence, The Washington Post called her “One of the top writers in America” and she has been featured by Entertainment Weekly, NPR, USA Today, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, and TIME Magazine. A graduate of Stanford University, she has given keynote speeches at publishing conferences from Copenhagen to Berlin to San Francisco, including a standing-room-only keynote at Book Expo America in New York City.

Bella also writes the New York Times bestselling Four Weddings and a Fiasco series as Lucy Kevin. Her “sweet” contemporary romances also include the new Walker Island series written as Lucy Kevin.

If not behind her computer, you can find her reading her favorite authors, hiking, swimming or laughing. Married with two children, Bella splits her time between the Northern California wine country, a 100 year old log cabin in the Adirondacks, and a flat in London overlooking the Thames..

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For digital/eBook, audiobook, foreign licensing, conference keynote and press inquiries, please contact Bella at

“I wanted to be able to tell you the exact moment I fell in love with you. But I can't do that.""You can't?" A pin could have dropped in the grass and it would have been heard in that moment as everyone grew perfectly silent to listen for his reply."No, I can't. Because every single moment I've spent with you is that moment, Lori.”
Bella Andre
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“God, the hardest thing he’d ever done in his life was giving up what he wanted so that the woman heloved could get what she needed.”
Bella Andre
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“And it was why he loved her. One of the reasons, anyway. Because he also loved her brattycomebacks. He loved the way she put her entire self behind whatever she was doing, even if she had noidea what she was doing and was getting it all wrong. He loved the way she danced as if she wasconnected to the clouds and the sun and the rainbows.And he loved that she’d stormed into his life and turned everything upside down before he ever hada chance to stop her.”
Bella Andre
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“I fell in love with you when you crashed into my fence post and chased after my chickens and fell down in the mud with the pigs. I fell in love with you when you taught everyone in town to line dance. I fell in love with you when you put Mo’s feelings before your own and stayed with her for as long as she needed you.” One fat tear slid down her cheek as he said, “And, most of all, I fell in love with you when you showed me that it was safe to love again. I keep falling in love with you again and again. Just like I’m falling right this second.”
Bella Andre
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“Lori finally learned what love truly was.Addicting.Selfless.And entirely without bounds.”
Bella Andre
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“Because he finally knew what it felt like to hold sunshine in his hands...and when Lori left, it was going to feel like winter all year round, even on the hottest days of summer.”
Bella Andre
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“Maybe it was simply that falling in love wasn’t something Lori would ever be able to turn away from, regardless of just how much pain she knew would be coming down the pike. And maybe, just maybe, as long as she never actually confessed to him how she felt, that would make it okay to give in to what she felt for Grayson for one night, beneath the moon, with the smell of wild grass and the ocean all around them...”
Bella Andre
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“All he knew was that she was beautiful...and that, somehow, despite everything he’d done to try to stop it from happening, she’d managed to steal his heart one sassy smile at a time.”
Bella Andre
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“It was his way or the highway.And she was definitely not a way he had any intention of going.”
Bella Andre
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“Because if he wasn’t really, really careful, Lori Sullivan was just going to keep stealing his heartone sentence, one meal, one smile at time”
Bella Andre
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“What if she let falling in love with him be as natural as gravity?”
Bella Andre
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“Some things are just perfect, even when they don't make any sense”
Bella Andre
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“You were right when you said that love shouldn’t have to be a battlefield. When it’s with the right person, I’ve seen love be easy. Sweet. And perfect.”
Bella Andre
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“I’ve always wondered why love has to be so full of conflict and strife. Why can’t love be simple? Why can’t it just be as pure as two people who realize that they can’t live as well, or as happily, apart as they can together?”
Bella Andre
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“How she loved it when he sprinted right over the lines and reduced her boundaries to smithereens. Chloe no longer had any fears of being controlled and Chase no longer held back to make sure he didn't push her too far. All that remained was the sweet ecstasy of trust.And pure love.”
Bella Andre
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“I've always liked books," she said softly. "I love being around them. I love getting loaf in a story, a world. I love that I can become anyone, that I can become anyone, that I can live any fantasy.”
Bella Andre
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“Had they both become unwilling participants in some sort of mad scientist’s chemistry experiment to combine Man A with Woman B to see how quickly they’d combust?”
Bella Andre
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“Fate.She'd never been a big beliver in things like that, had always believed that solid decisions and hard work were what paid off. And they had.But, really, it was getting to the point where it felt like the universe was screaming at her to pay attention!”
Bella Andre
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“Sex had always been at the top of her favorite-things list, but this desire-this total, all-encompassing need-was something else entirely.”
Bella Andre
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“Could you ever completely give up on someone that you loved? From her painful experience with Travis, Lily didn’t think so..”
Bella Andre
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“You never told me how the story ends, Gabe." She held her breath, waiting for his response.His expression held all the love and desire she knew he felt for her."It doesn't.”
Bella Andre
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“I want you by my side not only for red carpet events, but for the nights when we're both exhausted from a long day on set and fall into bed, too tired to do anything but hold hands and fall asleep. I want to kiss the sugar off your lips while you're eating sweets for breakfast. And I want you there to drag into the shower with me to make up for not having the energy to make love to you the night before.”
Bella Andre
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“Looking for the good in people is never stupid.”
Bella Andre
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“And still, even when he’d told her how he felt about her, and that he wanted their fake relationship to be real, she’d held herself back out of fear that their friends-to-lovers story was too good to be anything but fiction.”
Bella Andre
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“You’re every single fantasy I've ever had.”
Bella Andre
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“I’m bad at some things.”She raised an eyebrow. “Name one thing.”Making you fall in love with me the way I’ve always been in love with you. You only ever saw the jock while you let those artist assholes chase you. And hurt you.”
Bella Andre
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“Unrequited love made right is the ultimate, isn’t it?”
Bella Andre
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“Kindness is incredibly sexy.”
Bella Andre
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“She’d painted her nails with rainbow stripes and it occurred to him that Vicki was just as beautiful and mysterious as a rainbow.One he’d been chasing for years without ever coming close to reaching the pot of gold at the end.”
Bella Andre
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“I've hoped for this for so many years, waited for someone to come along whom you could finally love more than your family, someone who would turn you inside-out and toss you off your path,' His mother looked positively gleeful in the face of his misery. 'Someone just like Nicola for you to blow it with.”
Bella Andre
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“If Marcus hadn't already faced the fact that he was head over heels in love with Nicola, he would have fallen right then...along with five thousand other people in the sold-out concert hall in San Francisco.”
Bella Andre
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“Nicola had to move closer to Marcus, had to take his hands in hers and hold them over her heart as though she could give hers up for his if it meant she could take away all of the pain he'd had to deal with at such a terribly young age.”
Bella Andre
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“You like doing that, don't you?''Yes, I like kissing you.''No,' she said, 'lifting me off my feet. Carrying me around. Pulling me down to kiss you whenever you get the urge.' She turned to him with a mock glare. 'I think it goes hand in hand with the telling me what to do stuff.'He didn't let go of her hand as he lifted his to run the back of one knuckle down her cheek. 'You like it, too.”
Bella Andre
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“Do you remember telling me how you're willing to put up with the pressures of fame if it means you can play your music for people?' When she nodded, he said, 'Making sure my family is happy has been worth any tradeoff.”
Bella Andre
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“You could never be just any girl. And it has nothing to do with the fact that you're famous.' His hand tightened on hers. 'You're very special, Nicola. Very, very special.”
Bella Andre
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