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Bella Shadow

Bella grew up in Columbia, MO and started writing when she was in sixth grade. She soon began to realize she wanted to become an author and wrote many other books which were first reviewed by her peers and then sent to a publisher.

Bella's books have entertained many and have been said to be "addicting and touching".

“Omg this is like one of those sappy romance movies but I don’t care! Jake is holding my hand! I looked back up at him and we slowly rose staring into each other’s eyes. Ok, where the heck is my awesome music saying he’s the one?! What about a breeze that blows my hair in all directions making me look hot? C’mon Cupid! Give me something!!! A weak chilly breeze blew. It barely even moved my hair. Oh c’mon!!!!”
Bella Shadow
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“It’s time you go back to your cell. Your phone call is over. If anyone wishes to speak to you now, we have to arrange it.” She said gesturing the guard to come escort me. Only reason you’re getting the guard is because if I’m not restrained in three seconds I’m gonna kick your ass from here to Timbuktu…”
Bella Shadow
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“We arrived at the police station and they parked and did the whole ‘hassle and grimace’ routine. I inwardly rolled my eyes. I mean really. ‘Hey Bob, looks like you had your hands full today.’ ‘Yeah Bill, she was a murderer; killed a boy.’ Oh geez, gimme a break. I’m fourteen years old and it was an accident. Yes, I’m totally the highlight of the day. I mean, lunatic Joe over there who murdered twelve people and committed burglary so isn’t important.”
Bella Shadow
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“As soon as they were spotted, one of the jerk’s buddies pointed at me and said, “Arrest her! She’s the one who killed Zak!”Why I outta… Wait Zak? I thought we all agreed he was Captain Asshole? Oh, no… Guess that was just me.”
Bella Shadow
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“The cops got out of the car and came straight towards me. My first thought was, How hypocritical… They head straight for the kid all in black…”
Bella Shadow
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“I tried to step back quickly but James grabbed my hand. "C'mon," he said "this'll be fun." Geez... What's your definition of fun? Cuz mines not to possibly get killed my first day here. Or maybe that's just a personal goal, but still...”
Bella Shadow
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“I picked out Nathan and James standing next to each other and wiggled in between them."Dude we got lucky, threesome." James whispered over my head to Nathan."Puh-leez..." I muttered and rolled my eyes.Nathan shushed us both.”
Bella Shadow
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“So he starts getting up and brings me along by my lips. Alright. Now we're being videotaped. His backs to the camera. "Trust me?" He asks."Uh...sure?" Huh?He starts to lift up my shirt when he kisses me again. I bite his lip and glare at him. "What? I need your shirt for the camera.""Use your own goddamn shirt!”
Bella Shadow
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