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Ben Folds

“And I twisted it wrong just to make it rightHad to leave myself behind”
Ben Folds
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“I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you.”
Ben Folds
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“They're into something that is too big to be expressed through their clothes.”
Ben Folds
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“If you're afraid they might discover your redneck past, there are a hundred ways to cover your redneck past.”
Ben Folds
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“I start songs all the time. If I weren't so lazy, I would finish them. It's like when I have a deadline I have to. I always feel very lucky that I am forced to make records at certain times. If I was forced to make 2 records a year, I would write twice as many songs. I can't make myself finish something unless I am forced”
Ben Folds
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“My my, the cruelest lies are often told without a wordMy my, the kindest truths are often spoken, never heard”
Ben Folds
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“You have made me smile again; in fact I may be sore from it- it's been awhile.”
Ben Folds
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