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Benedict Wells

Benedict Wells was born in Munich in 1984. At the age of six he was sent to a state boarding school due two family and other problems at home. Following his graduation from high school in 2003, he decided not to go to university but instead moved to Berlin to pursue his writing. He made a living doing odd jobs. His fourth novel, ›The End of Loneliness‹, spent more than a year and a half on the Spiegel Bestseller list, was awarded the 2016 ›European Union Prize for Literature‹, among other awards, and has been published in 38 languages. After several years in Barcelona, Benedict Wells now lives in Zurich.

Three current book recommendations: "Girl, woman other" by Bernardine Evaristo. "Stoner" by John Williams. "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow" by Gabrielle Zevin.




“Alles ging so schnell vorbei, nie wusste man sein Glück zu schätzen, immer erst hinterher. Altbekanntes Zeug. Das Leben war nicht besonders einfallsreich. Es brachte immer den gleichen Trick, und trotzdem fiel jeder drauf rein.”
Benedict Wells
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