Benjamin Franklin Shambaugh photo

Benjamin Franklin Shambaugh

Benjamin Franklin Shambaugh was born January 29, 1871, in Elvira, Iowa. He graduated from the Iowa City Academy June 13, 1888. At the State University of Iowa he earned his B.Ph. June 16, 1892, and his M.A. June 15 the following year. He took his Ph.D. in June 1895 at the University of Pennsylvania. He was educated in Germany 1895 - 1896, and was an instructor and professor at S.U.I. from 1896 to 1940. It was here in Iowa City that he met and married Bertha Maude Horak in 1897. From 1900 until 1940 Benjamin Shambaugh was professor and head of the Political Science Department at S.U.I. He was superintendent and editor at the State Historical Society of Iowa, Iowa City, from 1907 to 1940. He served as president of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association in 1910, and president of American Political Science Association in 1930. Benjamin Shambaugh died in Iowa City on April 7, 1940.

“well DONE is better than well said”
Benjamin Franklin Shambaugh
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