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Beth Bares

“He'd closed the door to all of his emotions years ago, but now, the aroma that seeped from her flawless skin was an intoxicating mixture of lilacs and rain, captivating his senses.”
Beth Bares
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“A woman stood, smiling with adoration at the baby in her arms. Suddenly, she turned, showing her angelic face. Her eyes were large, beautiful, brown eyes, but terror displayed across her face.Elizabeth felt a deep, sharp ache penetrate her heart, as she reached deep for air and it came in a low gasp. Her hands flew to her chest. She soon realized the window in front of her was the same one in the vision.”
Beth Bares
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“You’re asking me? The Whack-O from loony town!” she snapped at him.”
Beth Bares
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“He should have known. She was the only wanna be immortal he’d ever known.”
Beth Bares
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“He was just so gorgeous, erotic, and intimidating at the same time,” she said, grinning.”
Beth Bares
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“Be careful what you wish for...”
Beth Bares
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