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Beth Fantaskey

Hi! I'm Beth Fantaskey, author of Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side, Jessica Rules the Dark Side, Jekel Loves Hyde, Buzz Kill and my new middle grade novel, Isabel Feeney, Star Reporter. I live in rural Pennsylvania - the setting for most of my books - with my husband, three children, a slightly dysfunctional cat, a completely dysfunctional dog, an immortal goldfish and a hermit crab named Shelldon.

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“Why do humans always look at these things from the wrong perspective? Predators deserve our sympathy, too.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“I was wrong to insult you, and not only because you are my hosts. I am afraid that I mistook kindness for weakness. My apologies. I stand - only with your aid - profoundly corrected.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“But some things are just too dangerous to live, I suppose.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“...She had little patience with people who got intellectually lazy when faced with a difficult concept.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“Ranerio wrapped his hand around mine, guiding my fingers like Lucius had done when he'd shown me the latch behind the dressing-room door mirror. But while the warrior I loved had been offering me an escape route, the pacifist was trying to show me how to fight.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“One should never confuse fashionable with beautiful”
Beth Fantaskey
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“My greatest friend is truth.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“Enduring pain is like causing pain.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“It is strange how love is a source for power––can spur the desire to fight to the death, or to fight back from something that seems like death for long enough to write a coherent note––but also of weakness.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“I might not have transferred to a new school, but it was still like I'd joined the world's oldest, grayest, least peppy cheerleading squad, and I was sick of being stuck in a castle like a prisoner myself with the whole lousy bunch of them."Garda! Vin aici!" I heard myself growling in a voice I'd never used before.I wasn't sure where the words came from, either. They weren't on my DVD, but I must have heard Lucius summon the guards often enough that when I really needed to use the phrase it just came out, and both of the vampires who were posted at the doors stepped to my sides.I didn't look around at the Elders—I wasn't about to stop glaring at my new worst enemy—but I heard murmurs again, like everybody was more surprised by my flawless Romanian than by my announcement about the trial.I narrowed my eyes at Flaviu. "Well? Do you want to see how long you can last without blood?”
Beth Fantaskey
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“You will not address me as if I'm not even here--unless you want to join Lucius in the dungeons. And then we'll see how long you will last without blood, because you are two hundred years older and nowhere strong as my husband.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“And maybe I was a little intense. But not as much as the princess who marched into that court in a very unprofessional pair of jeans and a T-shirt, looking like she had gone to hell and back--and was about to drag the rest of us back there with her, just like I kinda planned to do.I knew it in a split second--and everybody else knew it too, even old Fabio--that we weren't just seeing a princess standing there in a pair of jeans and boots.We were all getting our first glimpse of the next queen.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“I didn't just want to be just Mrs. Lucius Vladescu, or a princess, even. I wanted to be a queen.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“Jessica: If we only have daughters?Lucius: If we have only daughters, I will be the happiest vampire alive. For I have come to learn--from you--that a princess can be as powerful as a prince.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“Fear is the worst kind of grave, because it buries one alive.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“You are a vampire princess. Your destiny is not entirely your own.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“Someday, Jessica, he says quietly, you will stand before me in this very room, as we prepare for some function whichwe both dread, for we have been to so many in our years together, and you will smile and reach up to adjust my crooked tie, as you always do. And one of our children—perhaps our first son—will tug at your dress, demanding our attention. Then I will kiss you, and reach down to lift our child, thinking, How did I come to be so happy?”
Beth Fantaskey
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“One's perception of time was relative to one's desire for its passage.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“We sealed my father's grave on a day of stark contrasts, of black against white, and it was the last time I'd ever find myself in a place of such extremes. Because in the months after the dirt fell on the coffin, my life began to shift to shades of gray, almost like the universe had taken a big stick and stirred up the whole scene at that cemetery, mixing up everything and repainting my world.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“Stupid Romanian bloodsucker. He was lucky I hadn't bestowed another exalted scar on his imperial body.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“Lucius smiled. "I'll tell my tailor his work is 'rockin' and 'supercool.' I'm sure he'll be gratified to learn that he can compete with the Gap.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“I did all that i could to have my way-to keep you safe from me and our kind-but you would have your own way, like a true princess.I wanted you,Lucius. I had to have my way.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“Her heart is so ten­der that she could not help but mourn even me—a man whom she can bare­ly abide.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“I also need you to "spread the word," quietly, that if any harm should come to Antanasia during my imprisonment, I will not only tear down these walls stone by stone, but -- once freed -- shatter the rule of law and destroy, with great satisfaction, anyone who arouses in me even the slightest suspicion. Indeed, if so much as one hair on my wife's head is disturbed while I cannot protect her, this kingdom will see retribution that will go down in the history books -- to be read by the very few who remain standing. - Lucius”
Beth Fantaskey
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“Lucius needs you. He mourns you. He loves you. It's very unusual for a vampire to truly love. Some hold that real love between vampires is a myth. That we are too vicious by nature.But Lucius does. He loves you--as you love him.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“You're a wrestler, right, Jake?" Dad asked, passing Jake more saag. My parents were in an Indian food phase. The evening's entree consisted of limp spinach. God forbid we'd throw a few burgers on the grill and just have a barbecue when guests came over.Jake gave the bright green, mushy contents a wary glance but accepted the bowl. "Yeah. I wrestle. I'm captain this year.""How Greco-Roman of you," Lucius said dryly, lifting a glob of spinach and letting it drip, slowly, from his fork. "Grappling about on mats.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“As you wish, of course." Lucius lowered the volume on an old record player, which spun a warped vinyl disk that wailed unfamiliar music, scratchy and whiny, like cats fighting. Or a coffin with rusty hinges opening and closing over and over again in a deserted mausoleum. "Do you like Croatian folk?" heasked, seeing my interest. "It reminds me of home.""I prefer normal music.""Ah, yes, your MTV with all the bumping and grinding. Like a shot of raging adolescent hormones administered via television. I'm not averse.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“Lucius shrugged. "Perhaps in time you will find it useful.""Sure. I'll keep it on my shelf right next to The Idiot's Guide to Becoming a Mythical Creature.''Lucius actually laughed. "Very funny. I didn't know you made jokes.""I'm a funny person," I defended myself. "And by the way—I don't snore.""You do snore. And you mumble, too."My blood froze. The dream . . . "What? What did you hear?""Nothing too intelligible. But it must have been a rather pleasant dream. You sounded ecstatic.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“I knew that most people would consider us too young to talk about lifelong commitments or marriage, but I couldn’t imagine taking her to bed without that promise. Even if it meant never being with her, I didn’t want to have one desperate, hurried, hidden night. I wanted to put a ring on her finger. I wanted a future—or nothing. I knew, in her heart, that she would want that, too”
Beth Fantaskey
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“The most beautiful thing we can experence is the mysterious.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“…If anything else, all I ever did was love you….”
Beth Fantaskey
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“I must endure, fighting the temptation simply to become slack-jawed like most of my school 'peers' (they wish!), who will themselves into a collective, vacant, trancelike state for the duration of each class. (Although I sometimes secretly envy their ability to empty their minds completely for a full fifty minutes, reanimating only at the sound of a bell, like Pavlov's dogs...)”
Beth Fantaskey
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“As you know, I have always been curious about our immortality... how it feels to live on and on through time....I need speculate no longer, I have sampled eternity in Miss Campbell's fifth period "social studies" class. Three days on the concept of "manifest destiny," Vasile. THREE DAYS. I yearned to stand up, rip her lecture notes from her pallid hands, and scream, 'Yes, America expanded westward! Is that not logical, given that Europeans settled on the Eastern shore? What else were they to do? Advance vainly into the sea?”
Beth Fantaskey
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“P.S. What the hell. Why not sign off with the traditional American greeting? "Merry Christmas," Uncle Vasile. "Happy holidays to you."P.P.S. Really---"counseling"!”
Beth Fantaskey
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“Gentlemen don’t ask women impertinent questions about delicate subjects…… And they never, ever use crude expressions in mixed company. Not unless they’re ready to face the consequences.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“Why?""Because...because he's so tall," Mindy explained, like height was proof of good character. "And did I mention European?""Yes. It's so much better to be stalked by a tall European that an American of average height.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“Were you even aware that one could rent clothes, Vasile? Does it not seem a bit...cringe inducing?”
Beth Fantaskey
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“Where do you. come from?" Frank challenged, puffing his chest, a little bolder now that he could breathe. "Some of us are starting to wonder.""I come from civilization," Lucius retorted. "You wouldn't be familiar with the territory. Now pick up the books.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“Why did I sign up for this?''Because we grow by challenging ourselves.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“ Where is the stupid bus? And why did my dad have to be so big on mass transit, anyhow? Why couldn't I I own a car, like practically every other senior? But no, i had to 'share the ride' to save the environment. When I'm abducted by the menacing guy under the tree, Dad will probably insist my face only appear on recycled milk cartons....”
Beth Fantaskey
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“Nice. Now that's an overrated quality”
Beth Fantaskey
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“Lucius smiled a little. "You do have a will of your own." The smile faded. "This is not the time to use it.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“I shook my head. "You're going to get killed"Lucius shot me a conspiratorial look. "You, of all people, should know that's unlikely. Animals can't use tools.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“This is eternity, Antanasia," he said, both warning and imploring. "Eternity.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“I blame the lentils.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“Just remember, girls: The young male vampire is a predator by nature. Some boys may look at you not only as a romantic interest, but as prey...”
Beth Fantaskey
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“No, Lucius is harmless,' I fibbed. If you don't count the fact that he thinks he's a warrior prince representing a semi-cannibalistic race of undead bat people.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“I don't know how to dress girls, I know how to dress women”
Beth Fantaskey
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“I almost wish that I could replace their hideous flok dolls, as a gesture of my gratitude. Could you, perhaps, have one of the local women fashion a crude poppet out of, say, a wooden spool and some scraps of wool? Nothing fancy. Aesthetic standars for this particular collection were not high, believe me. "Ugly" and "ill-crafted" seem to be part of the key criteria.”
Beth Fantaskey
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“Must we vampires always resort to violence so quickly? Could we not just all sit down over a "refreshing Bud Light" and "just chill," as my television and my teammates relentlessly urge me to do?”
Beth Fantaskey
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