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Betsy Robinson

I grew up in New York's Hudson Valley and have lived in New York City for forty-nine years. I was an actor for more than a decade and did an amazing array of ridiculous jobs to support that art. Then I became a magazine writer and editor. Now I am a book editor specializing in spiritual and psychological topics. But I write fiction--specifically, funny literary novels about flawed people. My novel

The Last Will & Testament of Zelda McFigg

won Black Lawrence Press's 2013 Big Moose Prize and was published in September 2014. My first novel, Plan Z by Leslie Kove, won Mid-List Press's First Novel Series award and was published in 2001.

Radio host Jonathan Schwartz tells an anecdote about Stephen Sondheim: When asked if he was happy about selling 25,000 copies of a book, Sondheim replied, "Yeah, but it's always the same 25,000 people who bought the last thing." Schwartz believes this is because Sondheim's work pokes people, throws light on their flaws, makes them squeal, "No, no, don't show that! Not that!" and this makes many folks uncomfortable. Feeling so exposed evokes a kind of existential hysteria, which people then attempt to explain through hysterical negative criticisms of Sondheim's work, rather than contemplating their own discomfort. But 25,000 people do like Sondheim--including me.

I like to be poked and my writing pokes. It pokes, makes you laugh, and sometimes cry.

My edit of my late mother, Edna Robinson's novel

The Trouble with the Truth

was published by Simon & Schuster/Infinite Words on Feb. 10, 2015.


That said, please do not send me a friend request if you aren't interested in reading and haven't articulated why you want to be my friend in the question answer box in the friend request option. Specifically, if you are a guy looking to seduce and/or pull a scam on some lady, I'm not your lady and I will ignore your request and block you.

“Dear Mom,I'm as tight as a girdle. How do I accept love?--BDear Potato Face,Just say 'thank you,' then shut up.--M”
Betsy Robinson
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