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Bev Allen

I fell in love with my first soldier outside Buckingham Palace. He was a Coldstream on guard and I was four.

Later I fell in love with reading and writing and then with scific and tales of high adventure.

Later still I married a military historian and he conducted me on guided lecture tours around many a battlefield and many a musuem

Despite this, or maybe because of it, I never lost my love of all things military or of adventure stories.

"Jabin" is a result of all this.

Other published work includes a short story in a SFX Pulp Fiction Anthology and a Dr Who story published by Big Finish.

I like the challenge of short story writing, so my blog is stuffed with examples for anyone to read.

“There is a pleasure, sure, In being mad, which none but mad men knowJohn Dryden”
Bev Allen
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