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Bianca Salindong

“It still hurts and I think the 'hurting phase' might take a long time. The fact that we can't hear you laugh breaks us into pieces. One thing's for sure though, you don't need to worry about us. We'll get by...”
Bianca Salindong
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“See this ring? I'll ask her to be mine forever after the surgery, though I'm 99% sure she'll say yes, will you please make it 100%. God, I know it's too much to ask, but please don't take Ann yet, I need her. I need her so bad. And I feel that my heart will just burst into pieces when she's gone. It's not entirely her that I'll miss but every waking moment spent with her, that it feels like I miss her even if she's with me. I don't want to spend the rest of my life without her; she's the only reason why I'm here. So please, it's the only thing that I'll ask. Please don't take her yet.”
Bianca Salindong
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“God, I know it's weird that I'm talking to you now. I know I haven't talk to you in ages. But hey, you're the only one I can turn to when everybody else has troubles of their own. I know it's a big thing to ask you to let Ann live and have a cancer free life. I know that will be impossible. Just let her live a little longer. After her successful operation please let her live a whole lot longer.”
Bianca Salindong
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“Best? Is this what you call the best you can do?! Not once did you made her feel alive. I've seen her mask, her sickness and when I sneak up to her room I see her pleading to God not to make her hurt so much! And you're telling me you're doing your best?”
Bianca Salindong
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“Life moves on, it should always move no matter what.”
Bianca Salindong
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“But you have to understand them too, learn to live their lives too. When someone dies, the world wouldn't die with that person; instead it will turn, move, live and breathe the same way it usually does when you're alive but that doesn't mean that you will also die in its heart. In our hearts.”
Bianca Salindong
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“No, that's not it, no matter what they do, you'll still be in their hearts forever. Are you afraid that when you die people will have to forget you so they would have to live their lives normally?”
Bianca Salindong
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“They should be. One life doesn't end the others. Even if they are your family, your closed friends or your boyfriend. They find a way to let everything easier. They find a way not to hurt. They find a way to move on with their lives.”
Bianca Salindong
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“Just because I'm sick that doesn't mean I would not want to live this life again. What if I chose to live another life, then I will have a different Dad. I can't imagine another life without him. Can you?”
Bianca Salindong
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