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Billy Masters

I was born in the United States, in the South West, in a small farming community.

Our high school graduating class consisted of 376 student's encompassing the whole county. Our nearest neighbor was a mile and a quarter away, where the paved road started and the nearest phone was located

We had black and white television until I was fifteen, a two hole outhouse, for when the water froze in the winter & goal stoves.

Chopping wood and busting coal was one of my many chores growing up. Along with feeding the cattle in the winter and chopping holes in the frozen pond so they could drink.

Some fun aspects of my youth was learning to drive when I was six, learning to swim at seven and getting my first rifle and learning to hunt when I was twelve.

My family never had much money, but we always ate well, with our own vegetables, meat, milk, eggs, bread, fruit, cake and home made ice cream.

When I became a pre-teen and wanted more money than I could beg from my parents, I worked for other farmers on top of my own work at home.

I thought farm life was a very hard life, so at seventeen I moved to a large city approximately 130 miles away.

There I attempted college and learned the way of the streets.

At 20 years old I joined the U.S. Army for 4 years. During that time I saw war, was wounded, contacted a deadly disease, got married and divorced and grew up.

After getting out of the service I played hard, partying, drinking, chasing women and experimenting with a few drugs, for a couple of years.(Did I say grew up earlier?)

Then I met my soul mate, got married, went back to college and became a white collar working man.

My wife and I have been married for 36 years and raised a boy and a girl. We

now have two grand children, two boys.

My wife and I are certified scuba divers and when we are on vacation,we love to scuba, snuba,(Diving with long hose and no tanks) and snorkel.

Although we really don't have any money to speak of, we pinch our penny's every year,and have been lucky enough to vacation in Cozumel, BonAir Venezuela, Jamaica and Hawaii, doing what we love.

I've worked hard, played hard and loved hard, all my life and now I would like to try writing, something I've always wanted to do, and I figured why not write about something I know, myself.

Right now I have been and will be writing about the erotic side of my life, but in the future will be entering a more serious genre.

“What a grand thing, to be loved! What a grander thing still, to love! I have learned not to worry about love; but to honor its coming with all my heart”
Billy Masters
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“Love is the answer,but while you'rewaiting for the answer,sex raises somepretty good questions.”
Billy Masters
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“I wish I could be your tear drops,for what more could anyoneask for then to beconceived in your heart,born in your eyes,live on your cheeks,and die on your lips”
Billy Masters
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