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B.J. Kibble

B.J. Kibble served as a London police officer and during this time he survived three near-death experiences, the last of which was to escape intact from the midst of a terrorist bombing.

He now writes short stories and crime thriller books from the 'comparative' safety of his Sussex home.

Barrie sincerely believes that to write well means to ensure his readers get value for money from the roller-coaster ride of life with a tad of humor thrown in.

“To write well is to have felt a tingle of joy in your being; to have left a little of your blood on the page' B.J.Kibble, author of DRY RAIN, LEGION, CHASING THE WIND,and CRIES FROM THE GRAVE.”
B.J. Kibble
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“My priority as a writer is that my reader's entertainment comes first, second, and last.”
B.J. Kibble
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