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Blake Lewis

“My definition of an American Idol is someone who is a great talent and who communicates well with the audience”
Blake Lewis
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“Just keep being true to yourself, if you're passionate about something go for it. Don't sacrifice anything, just have fun.”
Blake Lewis
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“In Atlantic City about to get my crunk on. I don't know what that means.”
Blake Lewis
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“Flowers for me are just things to give to a beatiful woman.”
Blake Lewis
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“I don't like socks or shoes. I really don't like socks but I wear them in my house because I can slide on my floor.”
Blake Lewis
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“No, no. I was on America's Top Model. It was good. Yeah, I was up there, I wore a dress. It was awesome.”
Blake Lewis
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“Do you earn income as a model? Maybe I do.”
Blake Lewis
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“I don't disrespect anybody, but if I get disrespected, I'm over with you.”
Blake Lewis
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“Ellen Degeneres: “There’s a curfew for all the people on American Idol and you didn’t pay attention to it, ever.”Blake: “Yeah, why?”Ellen: “Why? That’s my question.”
Blake Lewis
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“This is for all you kids out there watching TV, when you should go open a book. Haha.”
Blake Lewis
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“No no no no yes yes yes no maybe”
Blake Lewis
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“I’ve always been a fan of the melancholy, like Morrissey. I grew up playing classical nocturnes like Chopin and Debussy on piano, so I write really melancholy lyrics and melodies”
Blake Lewis
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“To do what you love and are passionate about is a dream come true, My life is consumed by music and entertainment— and it’s the best life I could ever hope for.”
Blake Lewis
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“When people would ask me what I’m addicted to, I always said ‘music.’ And while they’d laugh it off like it’s a cliché, I’m actually a complete shopaholic when it comes to records. I’d literally buy 10 albums a week for years, so when I went to that Virgin Records and it said ‘going out of business,’ my heart stopped.”
Blake Lewis
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“I make my own pants because I don't wear jeans. They are like golf pants. I just like to put a little funk into everything.”
Blake Lewis
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“You ever see a poptart do the moonwalk? Magic”
Blake Lewis
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“want people to rock out in the car and not care that people are watching, I love that feeling when the sequences are all perfect and you can just press play. I want the music to take you on a journey.”
Blake Lewis
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“This is me trying to bridge the gap and make a record that I’m truly proud of, I’ve got my 80s side and my indie side, my super pop slant and the electronic music that I love. I wanted to make happy, feel-good music. It all comes from an organic place”
Blake Lewis
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“The judges say, make it your own, so I just remixed a song if I felt like the piece needed it”
Blake Lewis
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“All cell phones in the air 'cause I want to see you guys shine.”
Blake Lewis
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“If you never take risks in life, you'll never see anything new”
Blake Lewis
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“I may be taking a risk on it, which is alright, because if you never take risks in life, you'll never see anything new.”
Blake Lewis
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“Some say silence is golden, I choose noise!”
Blake Lewis
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“(on not being able to keep still): I have to move. I always want to engage the audience, and hopefully they are going to send some energy back”
Blake Lewis
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“We are headed for perfect disaster..”
Blake Lewis
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