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Blanche Ebbutt

“Don't forget to be your wife's best friend as well as her husband. True friendship in marriage does away with all sorts of trouble.”
Blanche Ebbutt
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“Don't settle down into an "old married man" while you are still in the prime of life. Take your wife out and about; give parties; visit your friends; and you will keep much younger than if you settle into the smoking-jacket and slippers habit.”
Blanche Ebbutt
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“Don't always refuse to go shopping with your wife. Of course it's a nuisance, but sometimes she honestly wants your advice, and you ought to be pleased to give it.”
Blanche Ebbutt
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“Don't allow yourself to get into the habit of dressing carelessly when there is 'only' your husband to see you. Depend upon it he has no use for faded tea-gowns and badly dressed hair, and he abhors the sight of curling pins as much as other men do. He is a man after all, and if his wife does not take the trouble to charm him, there are plenty of other women who will.”
Blanche Ebbutt
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“Don't brood; that way madness lies. Don't hesitate, if you catch yourself brooding, to 'take a day off' in the best way you can. Go out and gossip with your friend; get to a theatre where there is a play that will make you laugh; or try a concert or a cinema show - anything that will take you out of yourself. Take the brooding habit in time before it gets too strong a hold of you.”
Blanche Ebbutt
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“Don't forget to wish your husband good-morning when he sets off to the office. He will feel the lack of your good-bye kiss all day.”
Blanche Ebbutt
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“Don't expect to know your husband inside and out within a month of marriage. For a long time you will be making discoveries; file them for future reference.”
Blanche Ebbutt
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“Don't expect to drop into matrimonial harmony with the end of the honeymoon; you have not thoroughly learned to know each other's foibles by that time.”
Blanche Ebbutt
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