Blondell Love Lehocki photo

Blondell Love Lehocki

Writing is a talent that I have enjoyed sharing for many years and as a writer I have always liked character development. I have always written something...short stories, poetry and even novels. Writing is my passion. As an author I feel empowered as I slowly develop each character giving them life.

When I write I try to create a life for each character that tells about how they exist on a physical and mental level, and enjoy creating relationships between my characters. After deciding how they exist physically and mentally, the rest falls in place, and their life begins to blossom along with their surroundings, friendships they keep, etc.

I not only write about romance, but romance between many ethnicities, as I feel that love does not come in colors. We all love, perhaps a little differently. None-the-less love is not color coded. Some of my characters I go deeply into and some I only create what is on their surface. And, when you think about life...realistically that is how we as real people deal with others. Some we choose to know better and some we choose to know only, slightly.

My first e-book presented to you will be in the form of a romance novel, but I would like to say that you will read about other genres written by me in the near future. My personal goal is to be thought of as a writer of all things worthy of writing about, not just romance. Though, falling in love is a big part of life and part of everyone's life.

The most important thing that I would like for my readers to remember is that my writing is purely fictional and very much a part of my creative process. I hope that everyone enjoys reading my e-books and keeps coming back for more...

The e-book "Nevermore Look Back" scheduled publication date is February 28, 2012.

“Live life to the fullest. Miss not one learning opportunity. Have faith in your self. Love everyone, as everyone deserves love. Smile and always hold your head up. Think only of moving forward, and completely ignore ignorance and negativity. Enjoy the bliss that life offers. Always make God ever present in your life, and make believing a ritual no matter what.”
Blondell Love Lehocki
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