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Bobby Henderson

Bobby Henderson is an American physicist. He is best known as a prophet of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. He authored the church's holy book

The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

, which is considered a sacred text by Pastafarians worldwide.

“We find, counterintuitively, that a small population correlates with shorter humans, and a larger population correlates with taller humans. This only makes sense in light of the FSM theory of gravity. With more people on earth today, there are fewer Noodly Appendages to go around, so we each receive less touching—pushing down toward the earth—and thus, with less force downward, we're taller.”
Bobby Henderson
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“We are not saying that Evolution can't exist, only that it is guided by His Noodly Appendage.”
Bobby Henderson
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“Disclaimer: While Pastafarianism is the only religion based on empirical evidence, it should also be noted that this is a faith-based book. Attentive readers will note numerous holes and contradictions throughout the text; they will even find blatant lies and exaggerations. These have been placed there to test the reader's faith.”
Bobby Henderson
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