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Boris Zubry

Boris Zubry (born 1951 in Leningrad, USSR, presently St. Petersburg, Russia), is an inventor, author (novelist, short stories, and political satire), poet and an educator. In 1968 Boris Zubry entered Leningrad Institute for Military Mechanics and in 1973 Leningrad Technological Institute for Refrigeration Industry graduating with Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering. Mr. Zubry immigrated to the U.S. from the former Soviet Union in 1978. After living and working in the states of Washington, California, and Texas, Zubry has resided, traveling extensively, in Princeton, New Jersey since 1993. Over the years Boris Zubry associated with a number of cosmetic, food and pharmaceutical manufacturing companies as an engineer and a project manager working in many countries around the world. Presently, Mr. Zubry is a lecturer of mathematics.

Boris Zubry is best known for his books Chess Master, Miles of Experience, Arrogance of Truth, "Puska" and the numerous short stories published by various publications. Boris Zubry is an inventor of the Magnetic Plungerless Injection System (MPIS} - Patent # 7,255,684; the Abrasive Resistant Package of Wound Asphaltic Material of Construction - Patent Publication # 2003/0042159 A1 and the Breathable, Flexible,Wax Release Coating on a Construction Underlayment - Patent Publication # 2003/0091812 A1.

“Yiddish is a cheerful language of not so happy people.”
Boris Zubry
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“One could not forget what one had never known.”
Boris Zubry
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“One does not have to forgive if forgiveness is not one of his virtues. But one can forget and never come back to the issue.”
Boris Zubry
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“What do I want from the world? I want the world.”
Boris Zubry
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“I never became rich but I often thought about it and now I have some good memories.”
Boris Zubry
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“Modern science shows that some of the mentally incompetent people would become more incompetent if you deprive them of sleep. How does it affect us? ”
Boris Zubry
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“Feeling alone among the many is normal.Feeling many when you are alone, calls for a professional help. A qualified shrink can always shrink your ego down to being again alone.”
Boris Zubry
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“Zero is only one less then one but what a difference.”
Boris Zubry
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“One is not the loneliest number but zero is.”
Boris Zubry
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“Life is some kind of a terminal disease, otherwise, why do we have more dead people than alive?”
Boris Zubry
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“Every religion is tailored down to the level of intelligence of the people embracing it and Islam takes the cake for being the most tailored religion.”
Boris Zubry
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“History is the past that is definitely, hopefully not coming back.”
Boris Zubry
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“Food always sounds optimistic when you have it and pessimistic when you don’t.”
Boris Zubry
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“Travel is the physical move from point A to point B that could be very expensive and it could contain a questionable experience.”
Boris Zubry
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“Our children are flowers but only for us. Nevertheless, smell of these flowers goes to everyone.”
Boris Zubry
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“No one ever is "nothing". We all have presence even if it’s a slight one.”
Boris Zubry
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“How do you know that you are wise without trying to share thoughts with idiots?”
Boris Zubry
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“Craziness is only the state of mind.”
Boris Zubry
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“Only the human mind, unspoiled by the officially structured education and the authority opinions on different subjects, can produce an original thinker. Hail to morons!”
Boris Zubry
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“Stupidity is a relevant term and it is relevant to the owner of the stupid brain. Smartness is an irrelevant term and it is irrelevant to the owner of the smart brain because even the smart people can do and say stupid things.”
Boris Zubry
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“Why the Devil survived for so long? Is it because he is the Devil or is it because he is much smarter than the oldest guy around? Go figure.”
Boris Zubry
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“There is no such thing as a good war and there is no such thing as a justified war but there is a war of necessity and we have to fight it if we want to assure our way of life even if it’s the wrong one.”
Boris Zubry
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“Not only the lonely lonely.”
Boris Zubry
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