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Bree Despain

The Short: Bree rediscovered her childhood love for creating stories when she took a semester off college to write and direct plays for at-risk, inner-city teens from Philadelphia and New York. She currently lives in Salt Lake City, Utah with her husband, two young sons, and her beloved TiVo. The Dark Divine is Bree's debut novel.

The Long: As a kid, Bree would staple folded papers to make her own "novels." As a teen, she wrote stories in notebooks while her friends waited for the next page to be finished. Her teachers told her she should be a writer. But Bree thought only special people could be writers, so as the years past, she settled into the idea of becoming a lawyer or something else just as ordinary.

Bree rediscovered her childhood love for creating stories when she took a semester off college to write and direct plays for at-risk, inner city teens from Philadelphia and New York. With a renewed passion for story, and the young adult audience, she returned to Brigham Young University, filled her schedule with creative writing and literature classes, and started writing stories again. But regular life kicked in, and she soon found herself married with a new baby, working full-time, and with very little writing done.

That’s when the universe threw a pick-up truck in her path. The car accident left Bree with an understanding that life was too short to not do what you absolutely love. A few days later, her husband brought home a used laptop computer, placed it by her bedside, and said, “You’d better start writing.” Her life has never been the same since.

In a moment of karmic perfection, Bree received the offer to purchase The Dark Divine on the 6th anniversary of the car accident that put her back on the path to becoming an author.

“Talbot's eyes widened as he recognised Daniel. The four lost boys got out of the car and stood behind their alpha."So he's back?" Talbot asked."Yep." I couldn't stop smiling a bit and thinking of that song from the oldies station my Grandpa Kramer used to listen to. My boyfriend's back and you're gonna be in trouble...”
Bree Despain
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“Did you see the look on that guy's face when he hit the ground? He was all like "Come here, defenceless little girl,' and then you were like 'BAM! Take that, suck-face! I've got superpowers!”
Bree Despain
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“I'm not going to let anyone Wendy me." "Wendy you? What the hell does that mean?"Talbot asked."Wendy, from Peter Pan! Peter and the lost boys set to go off fighting pirates while Wendy has to stay back and clean their stupid tree house. We'll, I'm not doing it. I'm fighting for my baby brother and that's final.”
Bree Despain
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“I had one too," Daniel said. He was quiet for a minute. "Do you think after Trenton, we could get married and settle down in an apartment in New York City or somewhere? I could be an industrial designer, and you could fight crime like a part-time ninja assassin." I almost laughed, but then I stopped myself, because I knew it would come out as a sob. I was quiet for a while as I composed myself. "Yeah," I said. "Yeah, that would be awsome.”
Bree Despain
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“Stop!" I sent my open hand sailing and slapped Talbot across his face. He let go of the spear and stared down at me-that rage burning in his eyes. Then he blinked and clutched his palm over the red hand-shaped mark I'd left on his face. "What was that for!" "He submitted.Let.Him.Go.”
Bree Despain
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“Caleb offered me a family, but you offered me something worth so much more: myself.”
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“Stop moving around.''Your opponent" --Daniel panted--"isn't going to stand still and just let you hit him.' He held his boxing mitts out in front of him, welcoming a new attack.He would if he knew what was good for him.”
Bree Despain
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“You want to be a superhero still, Grace? Well, every hero has a nemesis. And I'm yours.”
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“Daniel wiped his greasy hands on his pants. 'Just some kids playing around.''With a crowbar?''Yeah, they're all the rage these days.”
Bree Despain
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“Well, hey, how come you never gave me a sword?" I asked, trying to lighten things up. "I get stuck with a lousy stick with sparkles, and the boys get the fancy swords?" I held up the gooey nubbin, all that was left of my bedazzled wooden stake. "Not. Fair.""I can get you one, too, kid." Talbot smirked. "I just always thought you preferred the feel of wood in your hand.”
Bree Despain
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“Okay, don't get mad." She pulled out my stake --- or at least something that looked like my stake,only the hilt of it was now covered in bright blue crystals and diamond-like gems."You Bedazzled my stake?""Um ... Surprise," April said, "Just because you're hunting nasty stuff doesn't mean you can't do it in style.”
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“This is Zach." I said as Daniel shook hands with him. "The youngest is Ryan. The obnoxious one is Brent.""I respect that assessment." Brent said, and awkwardly bump knuckles with Daniel instead of a handshake.”
Bree Despain
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“I guess its time you officially met the lost boys," I said to Daniel. "Lost boys? You mean like that old Kiefer Sutherland movie?"What? No, I mean like Peter Pan and the lost boys.""Is she calling us fairies?" Asked Slade."No," Brent said. "She means the lost boys that never wanted to grow up, and got into mischief with Peter Pan.""Still sounds like fairies to me." Slade crossed his tattooed arms in front of his chest."Still sounds like that Kiefer Sutherland movie to me." Daniel smirked."We were in the play together, like, seven years ago. You were mad because my mom made you wear tights, but you wanted to be a pirate."Daniel held his hand up. "Partial amnesia here, remember? I must have blocked out any and all recollections associations with said tights."Brent, Zach, and Ryan laughed. Slade almost cracked a smile. ~ Grace, Daniel, and The Lost Boys”
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“Nope sorry. Haven't seen him," he finally said. He handed back my phone, his warm fingers brushing against my skin. "I'm pretty sure I'd remember eyes like yours.”
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“The bible says that a good shepard, even if he has one hundred sheep, if he loses but one of them in the wilderness, he must leave the other ninety-nine behind to go looking for that one.”
Bree Despain
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“You know some religious scholars believe that when faced with overwhelming temptation you should commit a small sin just to relieve the pressure a bit.”
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“What can you do how much can you give to bring grace and salvation unto even one soul”
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“You should get out of here. Have a good life.”
Bree Despain
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“Some people are desperate because they don't know how to ask for His grace.”
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“No one should have the right to ask you to keep promiseespecially if they don't consider all the facts.”
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“Y eso es lo que lo hace tan perfecto: tus ojos. Tu alma esta ahí pero el resto de ti permanece indefinido esa es la belleza de la infancia. Los ojos muestran todo lo que has visto hasta el momento pero el resto de ti sigue abierto a diversas posibilidades todavia no se sabe en que te convertiras”
Bree Despain
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“There are times I have doubted. Times I have lost my way- without my anchor I would probably be lost still.”
Bree Despain
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“Your life is a lot bigger than this moment. You need to remember that you can't let the trials you face right now derail your course forever.”
Bree Despain
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“You really are one of a kind. I mean, it's not every day my girlfriend offers to kill me.”
Bree Despain
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“You were always such a saint...and now you're lost.”
Bree Despain
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“You hated me that much?''No.' I grabbed a branch and pulled myself up, my back still to him. 'I missed you that much.”
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“Do you believe in angels? Real ones?'He strugged. 'I don't think they have feathery wings or anything like that. I think they're people who do good things even if they get nothing out of it. People like your father... and you.”
Bree Despain
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“How could I help Daniel find his way, without losing mine?”
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“There's a difference between people who do hurtful things because they're evil and people who do bad things because of their circumstances.”
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“God is the ultimate judge of what is truly in our souls. But we are requiered to forgive everyone.”
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“Remember Grace, if you let anger into your heart, it will push out your ability to love.”
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“disappointment is a sense of loss for something you never had”
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“Cold air clawed at my face, ripping tears from my eyes. I buried my face deep into Daniel's back and breathed in a mixture of familiar scents - almonds, oil paint, earth, and a hint of varnish. I didn't even question why I was on that bike. I just knew I was suppose to be.”
Bree Despain
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“I was about to ask about it when Daniel flopped down on the mattress. He pulled off his shoes and went for the zipper of his jumpsuit. A flash of panic went through my body. I turned my head and lowered my gaze."Don't worry prescious," Daniel said "I'm not going to violate your virgin eyes.”
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“I'll always love you.”
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“If you have the ability and the opportunity to help someone, but you don't do anything just because you're scared or it's inconvenient or something, then maybe you're just as bad as the people who caused the trouble in the first place.”
Bree Despain
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“Are you serious?" She asked. "Are you telling me you've got superpowers? 'Cause that'd be pretty much be made of awesome." She grinned at me and shook in her excited, trembly way."Um. Yeah. Kind of. I mean, I'm just learning how to use them, and they're kind of fickle--but they came in handy tonight, didn't they?""Heck, yeah, they did!" April squealed. "Did you see the look on that guy's face when he hit the ground? Seriously, that was the coolest thing ever. He was all like, 'come here defenseless little girl,' and you were like,'BAM! Take that suck-face! I've got superpowers!”
Bree Despain
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“I know there's still good in you, Jude," I whispered. "You were always such a saint...and now you're lost. But you're still my brother.”
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“I flipped open my phone and sent Daniel a text: I love you.As I crawled into bed, my phone beeped with a message back from him: Always.”
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“Kiss me.""What? Give it back.""Kiss me and I'll give it back.”
Bree Despain
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“You Bedazzled my stake?”
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“If you let anger into your heart, it will push out your ability to love.”
Bree Despain
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“I will be the monster for you.”
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“The problem with promises is that once you've made one, it's bound to be broken. It's like anunspoken cosmic rule.”
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“There are a lot of bad things out there. Things the Hounds of Heaven werecreated to destroy." He trailed his finger down the side of my face. "I can't be the hero you wantme to be--at least not in that way. But you can, Grace. You don't have to become one of the darkones. You can fight it. You can turn this curse into a blessing. You can become the hero. Youcan become truly divine.”
Bree Despain
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“Jude was good. But he let his fear and jealousy get to him." Daniel shrugged. "'Fear leads toanger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to the dark side.”
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“I almost laughed in spite of my nerves. What were the odds that two werewolves had the hots forme? Like I was some gigantic monster magnet. Was there a sign on my back that said, bite me,i'm available !?”
Bree Despain
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“You know I can't do that. Pete's probably already spent a ton of money. He's a nice guy. I can'tjust bail--"Pete's not as nice as you think," Daniel grumbled.I laughed. "Are you jealous? Pete's just a friend--"Daniel grabbed me by the hips. "Of course I'm jealous, Gracie. You just told me that you love mebut you are going out with another guy. But this is more important than my jealousy. If I'mstaying here, then you have to stay in. I've got enough to keep my eye on. I can't have you outthere. Not tonight.”
Bree Despain
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“Blood fills my mouth. Fire sears my veins. I choke back a howl. The silver knife slips--thechoice is mine.I am death or life. I am salvation or destruction. Angel or demon.I am grace.I plunge in the knife.This is my sacrifice--I am the monster.”
Bree Despain
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“That's what makes it so right. Your eyes—your soul is there, but the rest of you is still so undefined. That's the beauty of childhood. The eyes show everything you've seen so far, but the rest of you is still so open to possibility, to whatever you might become.”
Bree Despain
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