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Brent Weeks

“You will find no answers here, just choices.”
Brent Weeks
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“Remember that time you tried to hump the bridge?”
Brent Weeks
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“Your Majesty,” Durzo said gravely. “A man of your stature’s cursing vocabulary ought to extend beyond a tedious reiteration of the excreta that fills the void between his ears.” - Durzo Blint”
Brent Weeks
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“A man’s greatest treasures are his illusions - Durzo Blint”
Brent Weeks
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“Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose. - Durzo Blint”
Brent Weeks
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“Love is a madness. Love is Failer - Durzo Blint”
Brent Weeks
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“It had better be. It doesn't do much when it's soft.”
Brent Weeks
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“Dad, one of my first memories is of sharing my worry with you about the space shuttle poking holes in the atmosphere and letting out all of Earth's air.”
Brent Weeks
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“Life is empty. Life is meaningless. When we take a life, we aren't taking anything of value. Wetboys are killers. That's all we do. That's all we are. There are no poets in the bitter business." pg 155, Way of Shadow”
Brent Weeks
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“If I tell you a secret can you keep it quiet?“Well, I can. I’m not so sure about Doll Girl.”
Brent Weeks
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“I’ll spend my life training just for the moment I have my chance at you. I’ll wait until you think I’ve forgotten today. I’ll wait until you think it was just a dumb guild rat’s threat. After I’m a master, you’ll jump at shadows for a while. But after you jump a dozen times and I’m not there, you won’t jump just once, and that’s when I’ll be there. I don’t care if you kill me at the same time. I’ll trade my life for yours.”
Brent Weeks
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“Why do you keep saying incarnations like I’m some kind of god?” It wasn’t a great question, but the real questions were so big that Kylar didn’t even know how ask them. “You are worshipped in a few remote areas where your master wasn’t very careful about showing the full extent of his powers.” “What?!”
Brent Weeks
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“The God gives simpler problems to lesser men.”
Brent Weeks
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“There was a nice dilemma. How does one interject into a polite conversation,"By the way, in case you're ever interested, I do have a penise."?”
Brent Weeks
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“I oh wha ih eenz, idj," Vi said, though it was a lie.”
Brent Weeks
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“Fock eww.”
Brent Weeks
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“He would enter silently and wake Magdalyn roughly. He loved Magdalyn's scream. He would beat her savagely and acuse her of plotting against him.If she begged and swore it wasn't true like most frightened women would, he'd throw her off the balcony. If she cursed him, he would bang her, matching her defiance with an equal degree of brutality, and she would live another day. Before he left, he would hold her tenderly in his arms and whisper that he was sorry, that he loved her. Decent women always wanted to see something good in him. He shivered in anticipation.”
Brent Weeks
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“Her nudity is her armor. It blinded the drooling fools. They couldn't see anything else while they saw her body.”
Brent Weeks
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“DON'T TOUCH MY HAIR!' she yelled.”
Brent Weeks
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“king: "You''re shit! You shitting, shitting shit!" "Your Majesty," Durzo said gravely. "A man of your stature's cursing vocabulary ought to extend beyond a tedious reiteration of the excreta that fills the void between his ears.”
Brent Weeks
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“erah Graesin had a silky, low voice. It was reputed to be sexy, but then, everything about Terah Graesin was supposed to be sexy. Kylar didn’t see it. Oh, she was pretty. She had a wide mouth, full lips, and the kind of figure that was unattainable for the majority of noblewomen who spent their days doing nothing more strenuous than issuing orders to the servants. Maybe it was that she was a little too self-consciously good-looking. She wore lots of makeup—expertly applied and subtle, but lots—and had tweezed her eyebrows down to tiny lines. The truth was, she held herself like he ought to admire her, and it pissed him off. What pissed him off more was that to look her in the eye with his disguise, he had to stare straight at her admittedly perky breasts. Dammit, why were breasts so intriguing?”
Brent Weeks
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“Elene gasped and sat up. "Kylar Thaddeus Stern!"Kylar giggled. "Thaddeus? That's a good one. I knew a Thaddeus once.""So did I. He was a blind idiot.""Really?" Kylar said, his eyes dancing. "The one I knew was famous for his gigantic-""Kylar!" Elene interrupted, motioning toward Uly."His gigantic what?" Uly asked."Now you did it." Elene said, "His gigantic what, Kyler?""Feet. And you know what they say about big feet." He winked lasciviously at Elene."What?" Uly asked."Big Shoes," Kylar said.”
Brent Weeks
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“I don’t know how you’ve managed a tan,” Daydra said, “but you’ll have to keep it up, and talk like a pirate. If you want to work for Momma K, you’re going to be the Sethi pirate girl. You have a husband or a lover?” Kaldrosa hesitated. “Husband,” she admitted. “The last beating nearly killed him.” “If you do this, you’ll never get him back. A man can forgive a woman who leaves whoring for him, but he’ll never forgive one who goes whoring for him.” “It’s worth it,” Kaldrosa said. “To save his life, it’s worth it.”
Brent Weeks
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“The duke sounded like he was trying to convince himself. “Have you ever done this before?” “Set up someone by pretending to be someone else? Sure. Pretended to get killed? Not so much.”
Brent Weeks
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“Sometimes a seer could be a pain in the ass? Try always.”
Brent Weeks
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“There is only one question: Does what you do, every day, have meaning? Acaelus had thought his actions did, once. For centuries, he’d put his faith in Jorsin Alkestes. A long dead king. A madman who’d sworn he would return. Even from death. A madman who’d left madness everywhere in his wake.”
Brent Weeks
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“..because the only kind of love I have to offer is stupid and blind and so deep and powerful that I feel like I'm cracking just to hold it in.”
Brent Weeks
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“You'd be surprised at what you'd do to stay alive.”
Brent Weeks
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“The truth is, everyone likes to look down on someone. If your favorites are all avant-garde writers who throw in Sanskrit and German, you can look down on everyone. If your favorites are all Oprah Book Club books, you can at least look down on mystery readers. Mystery readers have sci-fi readers. Sci-fi can look down on fantasy. And yes, fantasy readers have their own snobbishness. I’ll bet this, though: in a hundred years, people will be writing a lot more dissertations on Harry Potter than on John Updike. Look, Charles Dickens wrote popular fiction. Shakespeare wrote popular fiction—until he wrote his sonnets, desperate to show the literati of his day that he was real artist. Edgar Allan Poe tied himself in knots because no one realized he was a genius. The core of the problem is how we want to define “literature”. The Latin root simply means “letters”. Those letters are either delivered—they connect with an audience—or they don’t. For some, that audience is a few thousand college professors and some critics. For others, its twenty million women desperate for romance in their lives. Those connections happen because the books successfully communicate something real about the human experience. Sure, there are trashy books that do really well, but that’s because there are trashy facets of humanity. What people value in their books—and thus what they count as literature—really tells you more about them than it does about the book.”
Brent Weeks
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“I'm not dreaming this, am I?" he asked.Dehvi lifted an eyebrow. "There's only one way to know for sure," he said.What's that?"Go piss in the woods. If you feel wet and warm afterward, wake up.”
Brent Weeks
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“Life is meaningless, when we take a life we take nothing of value.”
Brent Weeks
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“Powrócę, przysięgał płomyk. Powrócę.”
Brent Weeks
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“Co się dzieje, kiedy zerwiesz wszystkie maski, jakie nosi człowiek, i nie znajdziesz pod nią twarzy, tylko pustkę?”
Brent Weeks
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“równie bliski jak blask księżyca i równie odległy jak księżyc.”
Brent Weeks
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“Maski się zmieniają, ale twarze pod maskami pozostają te same, prawda?”
Brent Weeks
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“I regretted that I hadn't turned myself into the kind of man that you could be with. That it wouldn't be just for me to be with you, even if you wanted me. Our lives started in the same shit hole, Elene, but somehow you've turned into you, and I've turned into this. I don't like what I've done. I don't like who I've become. You don't deserve a fairy tale? I don't deserve another chance, but I'm asking you for one. You're afraid that love is too risky? I've seen what happens when you don't risk it. [...] I'm willing to risk it to see the world through your eyes.”
Brent Weeks
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“There's no guarantee that justice will win out or that a noble sacrifice will make any difference. But when it does, there's something that still swells my chest. There's magic in that.... It tells me that's the way things are supposed to be. ”
Brent Weeks
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“...if reality is hard and flat and unjust, then it's better to adjust to what really is than to complain that it isn't what you wish. That was what made me lose faith..... But having lost it, soon I doubted my lack of faith. There were niggling hints of meaning everywhere.”
Brent Weeks
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“Love is a fragile, corruptible thing. And yet I have seen it evince a curious strength. It is beyond any comprehension Love is a weakness that once in a great while triumphs over strength. ”
Brent Weeks
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“My question is, do you believe in an evil possessed of its own purity? or does every act intend some good?...”
Brent Weeks
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“Why is it, my shadow-striding friend, that we don't fear dreams? We lose consciousness, lose control, things happen with no apparent logic and abiding by no apparent rules.... We don't fear dreams, but we do fear madness, and death terrifies us.”
Brent Weeks
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“Why did women always believe that talking about a problem would fix it? Some issues were corpses. Hot air made them fester and rot and spread their disease to everything else. Better to bury it and move on.”
Brent Weeks
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“Assassination is an art, milord. And I am the city's most accomplished artist.”
Brent Weeks
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“Do you know what punishments I've endured for my crimes, my sins? None. I am proof of the absurdity of men's most treasured abstractions. A just universe wouldn't tolerate my existence.”
Brent Weeks
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“Life is empty. Life is worthless. When we take a life, we aren't taking anything of value.- Durzo Blint”
Brent Weeks
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“The perfect killer has no conscience.”
Brent Weeks
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“The perfect killer has no identity.”
Brent Weeks
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“The perfect killer has no friends. Only targets.”
Brent Weeks
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“There's a divinity that shapes beauty from our rough hewn lives.”
Brent Weeks
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